No masterloot please

Most of the players that utilized their chosen loot method, liked their choice across all difficulties and both loot choices.

That statement holds true in all scenarios based on that data.

So as we’ve been arguing for for the past 1k+ posts… we want choices… because CLEARLY the playerbase is split at to what it wants. So it only makes sense to offer the choice. Not just unanimously declare that PL is what people want.


Looks to me it’s majorly the Mythic Raiders are complaining.

So considering if you’re at that level sitting at the top of the pile already, I’d say get stuffed?

Because unlike everyone else mythic raiders care about killing bosses and want to help their team mates gear up to kill bosses

Treat the above thousand posts and all the similar threads as a survey then and read through and tell me how many times ninjaing etc is mentioned in legion compared to warth/cata or earlier.

Anyone who has been in these threads as much as I know you have will have noticed that all the horror stories etc are from the older expacs.

Use your eyes please. 25% of normal mode raiders used ML with most of them liking it. Nearly 50% of heroic raiders used ML with most of them liking it. 80ish% of mythic raiders used it with again… most of them liking it…

So… You’re actually telling quite a lot of people to get stuffed. Also… Thanks for pointing out exactly what you’re really about. Thank you for replying #198301539135 poster who just dislikes mythic raiders and doesn’t care so long as w/e happens sticks it to them.


You can always discuss with the GM and/or Officers, of the Guild, if that’s how they operate.

You have to directly talk to them to discern their system. There are lots of potential systems that use ML from very stringent to relatively relaxed. It’s generally a part of the interview (I use that word very loosely… you just talk a bit in discord to make sure you’re on the same page). After that, when you’re trialing with the guild you keep your eyes open and watch them. Do they follow their own stated rules? Do they seem fair? Yes? Great go with them. No? Then move on and they just lost a valuable potential recruit.

Does this mean you’re at risk of a guild hiding their true colors from you and screwing you later? Absolutely. You very much are at risk. If you don’t want to take that risk, that’s no worries at all. I 100% get it. I recommend looking for a PL guild. Just stop making that decision for me. I’m fine with that risk and see value in it.

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Thank you for taking the time to answer my question

I do hope blizzard,if they do implement it back, it will be in a way to create a less problem as possible, while satisfying as much people as possible you included
Have a nice day

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Thank you for your answer

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You’re welcome.

I had asked one of the Officers, in a Classic guild how they operated their ML system, and they told me (to my face) that I was last on the totem pole which is fine.

PL with no restrictions, no loot auto-linked in chat, and no way for an addon to report what your PL is.

If everyone wants to share their loot and funnel it to whoever, that would be 100% possible with this system. It also protects the groups from one person having the absolute power to decide who gets loot.

Your guild might be great and work well with ML, but the fact remains that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING stopping the person designated as ML from taking every piece of loot or distributing it to whoever they want. Put in a ticket after such ninja’ing happens and Blizzard’s response will be “You saw it was set to masterloot, nothing we can/will do.” even if all loot rules are defined in chat.

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I absolutely hated ML as a person who pugs often. I do however offer items often with PL, and have gotten many items traded to me with PL sharing. Remove the restrictions, let it go from there. In the last guild I raided with, we’d whisper our items we WANTED to trade to the raid lead, who’d do a ML system(priority to those with good attendance, and who were “core raider” vs trail/pug) BUT nobody was ever forced to hand over loot. Pugs their loot was theirs unless they WANTED to offer it, and same with core raiders. Want to keep your PL item for tmog? Entirely your choice. But we shared well and geared fine enough to progress. Just frustrating when a higher ilvl item dropped that you wouldn’t use couldn’t be traded.


by your own accounts, bad experience from over 10 years ago?

oh hey, its even right here.
Do you know what year it is?

all you provide is speculative anecdotal evidence.
The others have quoted stats from a much more recent expansion.

this used to be a standard in wow. it was changed into PL.

this becomes an issue because determining what is an upgrade isn’t as simple as ilvl = good.

You ask the guild.

and then another expansion happened and people continued to understand that they wanted ML anyways.

Hasn’t this just been the point for the whole thread. higher level players prefer ML, lower level play prefers PL.

what is with you people and trying to hide information?

if the loot rules are properly defined in chat, the gms are perfectly willilng to delete those items from said persons bags.
But this is just not a situation that happens often enough to warrant this type of fear mongering.

these is the statement that seems to be the crux of most of this issue.

When you join a higher level progress oriented guild, and you get into that raid team, they should go over the agreed upon loot system.
This is where you will hear the horror stories about “trials falling victim”
But heres the kicker, these people join these guilds generally because the progression of that guild is much better than the last one they were in, so they have so much to gain by getting into the raid team. however once loot starts dropping and it goes to other players they might start to get upset.
But its not about “forcing people” to hand over loot. they agreed before hand, and then are trying to change that decision later on. which is dishonest.

Experienced mythic raiders who trust in that system can all tell you that the loot just comes without worry, killing the bosses is what matters.

So to finish off i repeat.
Its not about “forcing people to hand over loot”
its about people agreeing to do one thing, and then changing their mind because they are greedy in the moment.

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After all the shade he tried to throw at me and claiming in the one shifting :joy:

I beg to differ. One such occurrence happened to me back when GDKP was popular in Wrath. I joined a GDKP run and loot rules were repeatedly stated in chat. Heroic Deathbringer’s Will dropped and the guy leading the run took it and all collected gold and vanished. Every other person in the run put in a ticket reporting him and linked the screenshots taken of the loot rules being defined by the leader. Absolutely NOTHING was done about it - he kept the loot and the gold. To clarify, the loot rules were defined as nothing on reserve, highest bid wins the item.

Blizzard doesn’t want to put in the time going back through logs and trying to figure out if someone was scammed over loot - thus they got rid of ML.

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this is not properly defined.

I’ve had many gms from WoD reply and say “we can’t give you the loot, but we will delete it from theirs”

Also can we start getting a counter for wrath stories?

Agreed. I don’t think most people who want ML back want it back for pugs like it was in WoD. That was the wild west. With the amount of anonymity pugs had, it was just fruit ripe for the taking for sociopaths. I think most of the people who want it back want it for strict 100% guild runs (zero pugs). At least, speaking for myself that’s what I want. Or some other similar system that just lets us actually control as a group what goes where.

I get that people want PL with no restrictions, but Ion directly said no to that and it makes sense why.

ML: Control over what goes where, but no control over what type of loot drops.
PL: Control over what type of loot drops, but no control over where it goes.

Both have an upside and a downside.

PL without restrictions: Control over what type of loot drops, AND where it goes. Sadly… that’s just too much power in regards to loot. Would make doing split runs REAAAALLY lucrative. Like stupidly lucrative.

That being said… as a casual player… I’d rather that than what we have currently.

Maybe putting in a limiter on how many pieces a character can receive from a single boss then.

I’m not really opposed to making those kinds of runs lucrative, or even reducing the amount of loot that is dropped - I just don’t want to see one person having the absolute authority to decide who is rewarded for their time, effort, lockout, etc.

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And if you run with PL as an option, you never will.

That’s the thing though… it isn’t that way. I mean, technically it is as someone has to hold the power, but in an actually functioning guild… it isn’t one person holding that power. It’s a system like DKP or EPGP, or its a collective of people like a LC, or it’s w/e the guild wants it to be. The point is that it’s up to the guild how they want to handle loot.

Sure a LM or a LC could be corrupt and just ignore the wishes of the players in their guild… but they won’t have a guild for long… And it’s that choice that I’d like you to stop making for me. I would like to be afforded the option to choose to risk my loot in this game. I see value in that risk.

Loot is temporary… a good guild of friends? That can lasts across tiers, expansions, and even games.

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