No masterloot please

We’re over 1k into replies. It can get disorientating when players come in at many different slices.

I guess it’s easier just to be stubborn.

That implies that ML is only exclusive at high end of play when it isn’t.

No but the lower levels were predominantly PL so being in a ML group would have been 100% by choice and in normal probably kinda hard to find tbh. Anyone that wanted to use PL could have easily found a guild that used pl.

I mean several players have had bad experience but pro MLers would prefer to shout them down so they can keep a strong illiusi- ahem case to get ML back.

nope it implied you dont know what you’re talking about

Which I explained in another reply you’ve elected to ignore just to rip on me.

Well done.

the more you try to make a smart repy the stupider you get :wink:

I’ve found on smaller servers you have no choice but to use ML groups.

Which was why I couldn’t get into TBC endgame, I’m not interested in playing politics for loot and it turns out a Fury warrior was something of a mistake to roll in terms of role.

I would certainly save myself some time not replying to those who’d rather be children.

That’s ok. I’ll start talking to you as an adult when you start acting like 1

No we just ask why they dont have any examples from this decade or since pl was also an option.
Its always some time back in wrath something happened. Never in legion for some reason…

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We’d need more quantifiable data to confirm that, otherwise it’s just pure speculative bias.

The data surveys were done. He’s correct. The vast majority of players that selected their preferred method of loot distribution… LIKED their preferred method of loot distribution. Yes their were players that didn’t, but that’s on those players to recognize that and find a guild that fits their personal preference.

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Make this loot system that we can fully trade drops and I’m fine.

Then where are they?

If the wonderful posters in this discussion had any real data I’m sure they’d of dug it up and thrown it at me by now.

I personnally just started playing a few weeks ago so i cant speak for personnal experice but here is what opinion i have about this for now after reading this discussion

Ml seems like a relic of earlier mmo design (not saying its a bad thing)
Hight end player(especially guild one) seem to want is return more than others
So i think the only way to satify both side would be to restrict ml to guild only run. This meen that hight end guild get the loot system they want since as far as i know they raid mostly in guild group. This mean that as soon as you invite a non guild member to a run it would change to pl to give equal chance to everybody to get loot therefore giving a reason for people to fill a spot in a guild group

Other possible alternative would be something like ff14 does, a roll system of need, greed or pass where you can only roll need if you actually can equip the item. They could even push it further and only permit need if it an upgrade

All loot system have benefits and negatives wich change depending on what kind of activities you partake in so ther wont ever be a loot system were everyone will be happy

Oh and one question to you guys:
Lots of pro ml player in this thread said to other to not join a guild that use ml if they dont like it.
So im wondering is there a way to know that kind of stuff in advance in this game? Like in a guild search tool or something? Im still learning my way around wow ui menu

Thank you and have a nice day

I’ve linked it numerous times before. Maybe you just selectively read? Also google is a thing.

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“After looking at the data, and seeing how little impact it actually has on team progression”

So getting ML back wouldn’t be a priority for Blizzard?

Lmao… Imagine that. Shifting your position to suit your narrative. We were talking about what players want sweety. Not team loot progression.

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From what the data suggest, most of the players that are happy with ML are Mythic Raiders between all slices.