No masterloot please

Mythic raiders are the ones most likely to see use of the system, but why wouldn’t you make a change that one of your most dedicated portions of the playerbase has been asking for?

They may be a minority, but they are a statistically significant minority.

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Disrupts the business model.

yes and they will cry if they bring back master looter retail isnt the game for old school master looter there was a reason blizzard changes it to personal loot…lol.

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You keep saying this, but I’m not sure why you think it would do that.

ML lets you min/max, so if one class is better than another you can just stack the loot on them and theoretically blast past boss mechanics faster.

Do you actually think that the rate raiders clear the raid mattes for the sub count?

No but it would matter for E-sports.

I dont know if I should feel bad at you or laugh at you for being clueless.

You know the wow e-sport scene happens in a tourney realm right where you can buy every gear you want and an npc that’ll just give you gold


Only problem I have with personal loot is not being able to trade it if the ilevel is higher than I have in slot. It’s personal loot so let it be my personal decision on what to do with it.

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Why would you join a guild that just selfishly takes loot?

Nobody has ever explained why they are in these guilds.

Masterloot needs to return.
When I have an item drop and I can’t trade it to a friend because it’s a bigger upgrade it feels bad.

Stop joining malicious guides.

They removed master looter simply to reduce the number of tickets and thus staff.

I’m willing to bet these are people who think they deserve the loot but got pass on and given to other players because it’s a bigger upgrade and think the guild did them wrong.


I’m probably thinking more about the RTWF when they bribed people with chairs.

I don’t follow the high level play. Waste of time.

I think blizzard is realizing that nothing they do will stop RWF shenanigans. Yes, ML allows shenanigans to happen for the RWF, but it’s not like forced PL doesn’t allow similar levels of shenanigans. If anything, PL allowed them to actually force the tier tokens they wanted to drop during the splits.

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so you are clueless. Thanks for admitting it

Then where were the wide spread complaints in legion?
Why Dont people use legion examples instead of things like this

Why don’t people use examples from this decade if they still think that it would be a problem…

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Speaking of selfish, why does it need to return? What makes ML more fair than PL? You’re talking ilvl locks, which was dumb to add… PL gives everyone a shot a the item, ML decides who gets it… and people can’t be trusted.

Because of ABUSE. If people knew how to act, guess what? ML would still be around… it needs to stay away, far away and to never return.

Fair is a subjective metric.

I think that ML is more “fair” than PL because it removes comp stacking as a determining factor in how likely you are to see that dagger for your guild’s rogue.

Players aren’t really divided as much as you might think. Here is the sum up.

Those that raid heroic progression focused guilds and mythic guilds = Want master looter.

Those that raid LFR or don’t raid = Don’t want master looter because ???

Because they heard stories about evil master looters flogging all the guilds hard earned loot to definitely their girlfriend which definitely happened for sure! You can hear all about the stories coming out of Classic/TBC Classic all the time! (you do not hear about the stories at all because they were blown way out of proportion).

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Na see it happened in wrath that one time to a friend and so it would be rife if it came back in modern wow. Never mind that it didnt happen in legion or anything…

how DARE you!

That’s literally something we can actually do. blame you, for your own thoughts. for sure not gonna blame myself what you think.

Knowing that personal loot exists for people who don’t want to use ML is not ignoring other players. its considering them.

a system that you claim is all abuse and no merit… is all the perks?

uhhh, back this up with anything please.

“If you don’t agree, you’re clearly a corrupt loot master looking to abuse the system”
^this is the notion presented by so many on the anti ML side. This is dismissive. it actually conveys “anyone who disagrees with me is evil”

I have, it was frustrating because they are pretty immovable. That doesn’t magically make you correct.

cough cough

Oh this one here is a joy to read.

now lets scroll not too far.

here it is.

That would be perfectly fine. Its a pretty good thing that joining a guild, and agreeing to the established loot system that might prioritize other players isn’t abuse.

that’s because paycheck is a horrible attempt at analogy.

you have no method to prove this.

And you call me the narcissist?

just saying something in inadequate doesn’t actually dismiss it, might wanna try harder, even go so far as to provide an defense of your own.

ah yes, the weakest point of them all, we remove things that might create bad situations. We apply this reasoning selectively, and only to things we dislike.

I guess you haven’t seen the interview.

they are so obsessed with the paycheck comparison. How do they not get how badly it translates?

you just get a different individual. this is an easy solve.

I don’t think you know what this means.

yeah, you for sure don’t know what you’re talking about.

Well this post says it all here.

because random isn’t all that fair.