No masterloot please

It appears your brain couldn’t handle the paycheck analogy and your subsequent replies have been filled with nonsense, simply to argue your narcistic need to control another player’s loot.

Of course a simple statement like that doesn’t “follow for you.” Me playing longer than you shows I have more experience with master loot.

“Because people kept putting themselves in bad situations” …is once again an inadequate defense, it’s something a 12 year old would come up with. That system created those “bad situations.” It was removed because it was flawed.

Sorry but you crying right now won’t bring it back. At least come up with some decent points to make a counter-argument.

When did this anecdote take place? pre or post WoD?



again. If you don’t like the loot rules the guild is using. Move to another guild that suit what you want. You’re not forced to stay in the said guild.


If we are going with the paycheck analogy, the loot the boss drops isn’t the base pay in the current version of the game. Even with PL, only 20% of the raid gets an item, so you would still be doing work with an 80% chance of not getting paid on a particular boss if you view the items as base pay.

A closer analogy would be that your base pay is the ~75 gold, anima tokens, cosmic flux, enlightened rep, and vault progress. The items that drop are your bonus.

It’s coming back to me. I think her husband won the roll but it was for main spec (the loot). So it was supposed to get the next highest roller (me). This piece wasn’t for his main spec but she gave it to him anyway. I have many more stories but that one always irked me.

I had no idea. Thank you for the advice.

I don’t wanna spend hours with ppl killing monsters anymore, did it for many years.

Ya’ll have fun with that mess if its implemented again!


Dont know your specific situation and guild rules but I ran guilds through Classic and SoM. Classic was DKP, SoM was EPGP (which i prefer) and when a new member joined, regardless of accumulated points, you were not eligible for gear for the first month of raiding with full time attendance. We had zero retention issues and zero issues filling slots when someone quit the game. Like I said, maybe not the same situation but we used that rule to keep new comers from stealing an item and dipping after a week or 2

so what’s stopping people in PL to do the same? It’s not your loot after all so you’re not entitled to it.

This is what sooooo many forget. It is a group effort and group loot, those who put in the most effort, deserve the most loot. The group (or those designated) should get to decide where loot should go. Doesnt mean there arent corrupt ML’ers out there but that is why ppl need to find a guild and stick with it, stop this guild hopping non sense ppl do in retail


They might have a WoW sub, but people who don’t do any endgame content are not playing the same game as raiders/M+ pushers/ rated PvPers. I don’t want to play the game they’re playing. Letting ML exist in game again in the same way it did in legion doesn’t have any effect on people who don’t raid. They don’t play that game, they don’t have any useful insight on how it works.

That doesn’t justify having that ability returned.

why not? A small minority of people hard troll and grief keys, resulting in nobody getting anything for their time invested. does that justify removing M+ as a system?

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Its always wrath or cata for some reason. Never anything in the last decade.
It’s strange.

Also mythic didn’t exist in wrath so this seems improbable to me.

Good luck maintaining a good guild with that approach.

It wouldn’t be fair.

Plus another reason ML was removed was to remove the stigma that other players controlled your reward rather than the game itself.

and they still can in the current system, there are just more hoops to jump through.

I’m also disputing the notion that item drops a player’s reward. They are the group’s reward.

Groups don’t dictate player experience as a whole.

The player does.

But individuals do not kill raid bosses. groups do.

currently, you cannot kill a mythic raid boss without other players being there, unless you find and use an exploit that will probably get you banned.

But without the individual, you don’t get groups, don’t get raids and don’t get any loot.

Yet the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts.

No. This game can’t run on Mythic raiders alone.