No masterloot please

Creates an even more toxic environment.

I once got a trinket that was BiS for a hunter back in Wrath on my Enhancement Shaman and they went berserk and that was just in a Mythic run. The min/max mentality and the “I’ve got to get this first” just kills it for the community at large.

Dont join a LC guild then… this isnt rocket science. Join a DKP or EPGP guild, fair is fair. Show up on the regular, on time, with consumables, you will get loot fair and square. It really isnt difficult

I don’t know what you’re talking about, because mythic didn’t exists until warlords.

and to counter that point, Wrath is when the subscriber count peaked according to all available data.

Also, PL didn’t get added until MoP, and wasn’t available in raids until WoD.


Players who plays this game as a whole just can’t be responsible with gear.

I mean they’re already tightening social behavior, whose to say they start introducing bannable offences for loot abuse? They’d never do it but who knows, Blizzards a wild card these days.

We can. Just because you haven’t seen something, does not mean it doesn’t exist.


Sounds like you chose crap guilds to be apart of…

There should be bans for loot abuse. Someone ninjas, I would 100% be ok with an account ban since black listing isnt a thing these days

Apples and oranges.

In the end the ball is in Blizzards court and I don’t see them not doing something incredibly stupid.

How is that an apples to oranges comparison?

you stated that

and I have a disproof by contradiction. I know multiple players who are responsible with gear.

for all x, not y is disproven by a single example of x and y

And you can’t account the number of players who are going to misuse ML or RC, be it directly, maliciously or indirectly.

So what? Those ppl end up guild-less or if they are the GM they cant retain members and word spreads which forces a server xsfr or IRL money to rename characters. Literally isnt an issue

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and you can?

It comes down to ML abuse as you call it, is a player created problem.

Player created problems require player solutions IMO.


10000000000000% Blizz cant solve everything because 50% of the player base are busy drooling on themselves


There’s not enough people left in the game that remember what it was like. I honestly hope they bring it back, imma ninja loot 3-4 runs a week. I can’t wait till the O’s feed someone gear just to watch them leave and move to a better guild either.

It’s gonna be so glorious listening to the tears of everyone who has advocated to bring it back.

Yep. People will get bored and it’ll become a past time until Blizzard takes it off us again.

On what authority? Your own opinion? what you personally would do with the system?

There were players who misused the system, but my point is that it was a minority of the total number of players who used the system.

Yup, other than finding 39 other competent raiders, the loot and loot distribution was the best back in Vanilla. Vanilla raiding with 10-25 man raid groups would be perfect. Loot was always exciting when it dropped, felt good when you got an upgrade, was just a struggle finding enough ppl who knew wtf they were doing lol

Brings back bad memories from “back in the day”. Especially pugging.

I don’t raid anymore but Masterloot is a disaster.

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who will this affect their cash flow exactly? PL is staying and ML is added? Nothing changes. You’re reaching.

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No offense but raiding and pugging shouldnt even be a thing. Raiding should require a coordinated group in comms

I remember raiding with a couple for many weeks who were the RL and she gave a piece of loot to her husband even tho I won the roll for it. table flip

I can’t believe this is even on the table. It might be good for a few but not for the majority.

I don’t raid anymore tho or see myself going back to it so w/e glhf