No masterloot please

I do have conversations with people who are worth it. You however aren’t worth it because you don’t partake in the content.

Trust me I’m not mad at all.

Yea almost 900 posts posts in where everyone is saying guild only please they still say things like

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This one time in wrath on vault of the wardens this dude ninjaed the mount.

hey my mom’s sister’s cousin’s boyfriend’s dad need the mount. I said sorry for it afterwards ok

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It was YOU!?!?!?? We can’t be friends now :sob:


Sure thing dude. Cya.

time to put snoz on my kill on sight list :wink:


I mean, you have been known to do the exact same thing you accuse snozh of doing.

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You clearly missed where I specified “worth it”

Linking the post of someone else that isn’t worth having a conversation because they can’t refute points with doesn’t prove any points that you think it does.

It’s incredible the amount of cartwheels you do.

I don’t think we can come to any real conclusion in the end as players seem too divided on the subject of ML.

Ironic considering I keep repeating the same thing to your really weak point.

ALso this

Except I can accept it and you can’t.

The division is is pretty much that people who do mythic raiding want ML and people that do normal raiding dont and people that do heroic are kinda split.

So in other words exactly what the split was like in guilds that used various loot systems in legion then…

Why not give both groups what they want by making it an option again. Literally no one is trying to take PL away from you.

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Blizzard want $$$.

They get less $$$ with ML. So get ready for a jack in the box return of “ML”.

How do you arrive at that? Didn’t the game peak in subs before PL even existed?

Funniest part about this entire thread is most of these apes just assume that the return of ML = Loot Council only which is not the case at all. Many guilds will return to soft res, DKP, EPGP, all of which have amazing positives that come with them. Find a guild that uses the system you prefer. I personally do not like Soft Res, therefore, instead of crying like a 5 year old girl, I just wont be apart of a soft res guild. I will search for a DKP or EPGP guild

You can min/max easier with ML.

How does the ease of optimization effect the bottom line?