No masterloot please

Keep these posts happening! This will keep ML from ever returning!


No they won’t. If ion has talked about it publicly then I would bet all my gold it is happening

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I would take you up on that bet! He never said it is coming back.

Ion also publicly stated if you want to play light skinned elves the Horde is waiting for you!


They made the loot situation sound complicated to solve if they put any sort of new system in place.

I honestly don’t know why they don’t just remove the loot restrictions and call it a day. People want ML back because they want flexibility to hand out loot around that PL doesn’t give them, give PL more flexibility and no new system is needed.

This is more like something they would do before bringing ML back anyway.

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If they weren’t already working on bringing ML back his answer would have just been:

“We are happy with and have no plans on changing the way our loot systems work at this time.”


I mean he mentioned wanting to bring back loot being on a corpse for some content and I have no idea what system they’re going to cook up that isn’t ML.

Like…what? Just intelligent group loot where you can roll or pass on items your class is eligible for and leave it up to chance?

No, because he also said he wants to give players the freedom and agency to figure out how to distribute those items.

He also said “What if I told you I want to bring ML back”.

It’s ML. Orctang is just seething and huffing copium being toxic in all these threads because he can’t deal with it.


If most guilds are running ML then it’s clearly the superior system.

There will still be pl loot guilds.

I know common sense isn’t common for you though.

I’d have to go back and listen to his answer. I thought there was some twisting to it in that their solution wasn’t going to be bringing back ML as we knew it.

I’ll be glad to see whatever it is come back though. Forced PL with trading restriction is a complete overreach on their part.

It’s coming back my guy. It’s ok though ml doesn’t effect level 11 dungeons

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Why would you raid with players you don’t trust?
Sounds like it’s a you issue. If you don’t trust your guild mates, then leave.

ML Would work with only guild groups if it came back.
So it wouldn’t affect pugging at all.

P.S. Does your “We them boys” guild know you mistrust them?
I’d kick you out right about now.


He mentioned that it wouldn’t be available for open world content, dungeon groups, or trash BoE drops.

It’s still going to be ML for raids.

  1. I said me not a guild member, and yes they did help me get better at mechanics.

  2. I didn’t get the gear that dropped because at the time other dps needed it and I wasn’t doing great

  3. That didn’t bother me, my gm and officers told me why and said they would work with me.

If you don’t like ML doint join a guild with it, if you can’t find one make it. Want to pug but don’t want ML start your own yolo run.

Let’s be honest your feelings don’t matter, if they want to bring it back they will, if they don’t others feelings don’t matter.

I’m so confused by the amount of horror stories that have appeared once ML was considered to return. My experience since TBC with guild loot was all fairly positive, of course there was the occasional drama, but it was rare. Nowadays half the forums make it seem like 4 out of 20 players keep all the loot no questions asked. I feel like I’m gaslighting myself that somehow I avoided these 99 out of 100 guilds that clearly just stole loot.

It just doesn’t make sense. If a guild clearly was playing favorites with loot, why would people stay once it happened a few times and was clear? If only the person complaining on here left, why did the other 15 stay? They were just fine with it? Or did 5 leave, were the other 11 not care? Realistically most would leave, and the guild would collapse.

Or is it that smalls groups of people are doing these big heists, where every tier they create a new guild and build up a community with good reputation, all to steal 3 heroic pieces a few months into the tier and collapse.

Something doesn’t add up here idk. There’s no way 9/10 guilds were a genuine trap when ML was a thing, they wouldn’t be able to maintain themselves.


Having been the recipient of such treatment in the past… I agree. And you know what I say to those guilds. Thank you. Thank you for showing me the type of people you are. Then you know what I did? I /gquit and moved on until I found my group of people who actually fit with me. Been with them since cataclysm. Do they make mistakes with loot? Absolutely… They’re human beings… But they’re decent folk who are transparent and always own up when they mess up.

Been with them since cataclysm…

Loot is transient… friends that actually fit with you… that lasts…

I also find it humorous that you actually want to play with people that you actively believe WILL take advantage of you if given the chance. I’d rather get rid of those people personally and loot… what an easy way to see someone’s true colors.

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Still making up stuff I see! Also, incorrect usage of the word “toxic”.

You think I only play with my forum posting character? :clown_face:

Something may happen but it won’t be ML.

It’s gonna be ML that is only usable for raid bosses in a guild environment.

If that is too much for you, seethe and cope I guess.

Ion specifically said no to that. It’s too much power.

With PL you control what drops (by who you bring to the raid), but not who gets it.
With ML you control who gets what, but not what drops (as the whole loot table is possible, so you could get a bow to drop in a hunterless raid).

With PL without restrictions, you control what drops (by who you bring to the raid) AND who gets it.

That’s a split raiders dream come true. Stack the raid with 29 of w/e class/role is needed to get a specific item to drop and then bring the 1 main. That’s 30 chance to get that item, and you can instantly give it to the main.

That’s just too much power, and Ion said so during the Asmongold interview.