That sounds all good in theory, but you also have to incentivize people to join the raid in the first place and it gets harder with smaller playerbases. Then you get into social parsing and dealing with officer corps cliques, and so on, and so on. It’s all really irritating after a while.
No one is telling you to quit. Masterloot has ALWAYS been optional. If you don’t like running with a raid group that uses it, you can go find a different raid group.
It really is that simple.
Wow so you have a guy who stands in fire and dies within 15 secs? Did you help your guildie by explaining the mechanic or did you just let him keep dying on every pull? I thought that ML was about “community”. Thank you for strengthening my position on why NOT to bring back ML.
Wow you make it seem so simple. Thanks, I didn’t realize how easy it was to find a guild I trusted enough for ML. Not sure you are up on the numbers but current wow subscriptions are kinda down…SO that would make it more difficult to find guilds? I mean that does kinda make it not so simple?
There are always guilds recruiting, if your server is that dead there cross realm community raid groups. Just gotta actually ya know look for them.
How did this become a WoW is dead post?
Contrived problems for non-issues. Yeesh
If you find yourself stuck in this cycle YOU are probably the issue. Look in the mirror and try to figure out why you can’t seem to fit in any of the guilds you are trialing.
People in power usually say that. And you are free to ask any of the several guilds I’ve been in if I was a problem.
Sure, but if you are hopping to 5-6 guilds and every single person in power is deciding that you aren’t worth gearing and you are perpetually failing your trials, maybe it’s time to examine the one common denominator.
100% sure you are the pilot of your own destiny on this one bud. The world of raiding isn’t out to get you. I guarantee 9/10 guilds don’t even remember who you were after you left.
“Am I out of touch?”
“No, it is the children who are wrong.”
Yes I have examined the one common denominator…and it was ML.
I have been a pilot…and it has been dramatically better since ML was removed, because I don’t have to deal with power hungry players and/or cliques. Sorry don’t want to go back to high school.
That thing that hasn’t been in the game for years now?
It’s hard to admit our faults.
ML is simply a tool. If multiple raidleaders judged you as not being worth gearing up…you might have some other issues you should seek to address other than worrying about what loot system the guild is using.
A good player who is easy to get along with and vibes within a team will always get geared out regardless of the loot system in place because that player is enjoyable to play with and the guild will want to keep them around.
A bad toxic player who dies frequently, performs mechanics poorly, and is overall unpleasant to be around will be starved of loot because the guild will not see this person as part of their long term plans.
Instead of worrying about what loot system you are using, you should focus on what type of player you want to be, and the loot will come.
I’m sure you will ignore my advice because it’s easier to just pass the blame as opposed to taking any sort of personal responsibility, but fwiw if anyone else is reading this that hasn’t already made up their mind about everything, consider my words food for thought.
Sorry you assume the ML is good/fair with loot distribution. In my experience…that has not been the case. In they end…I don’t trust people like you to make the right decisions.
Good news is we don’t have to play the maybe guessing game. We can look at what actually happened in legion where most guilds used PL on the lower difficulties that you are doing so you will be fine
We don’t need to implement Master loot again.
Just let people trade loot for gods sake, Blizz. Why are you overcomplicating this situation? Jeebus.
I mean fair depends on who you ask right? What’s fair to you isn’t fair to someone else. In general, I think that ML is better than pure RNG.
Why do you think that is? This is why I’m saying perhaps you should be looking inward and thinking about WHY people don’t want to gear your character rather than simply blaming ML.
Join a PL guild then, or a DKP guild, or EP/GP.
Options exist, if you truly loathe ML then find a group of like minded individuals, create a guild, come up with your own system and kill some bosses.
Stop trying to control how everyone else enjoys this game.
Maybe you need big daddy Blizz to tell you how to play, but I’m an adult and can manage just fine without them.
Love how people claim ML will destroy guilds when Classic is doing just fine without PL. Raid groups pretty much exclusively use ML to divvy out loot in some capacity, whether that be through SR/HR systems, GDKP, simple roll, or council. The game hasn’t collapsed, and the notion that it will ruin the game is a complete strawman.
They literally said that is not gonna happen IF they brought back ML. its strictly tied to groups that are considered guild runs (which are like 80% or more). Just avoid ones advertised as guild runs.