No masterloot please

You can’t blame me for having perspective.

I mean you readily dismiss anyones opinion that isn’t yours so I don’t blame them.

Perspective issue. You’re ignoring how ML would effect players at different levels of play.

The game shouldn’t be all about the Mythic raiders getting all the perks.

Considering that’s where the money and company efforts are being poured down instead of getting more game content I’d think it should be talked about how much in terms of resources are being monumentally wasted.

Thats what they cant grasp. To them raiding is about getting the loot. Which is their prerogative but it isnt the goal of you or me or either of our guilds. To them though our way of looking at things is so foreign that they cant see how we are being honest and assume its to ninja loot or funnel it to friends (ignoring the fact im a healer with 0 power in the guild and get gear near last). They are so focused on their own goals of loot they cant see that other people have different goals.

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At the same time, You’d want to weight the perspectives of different people differently.


You dont have any. All you really have is hearsay because you don’t have experience in the matter

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That… literally defeats the entire point of what we’re asking for. I don’t want to be able to trade… 1 month into the tier. By that point we all already can trade. We want to have control over our loot distribution from day 1… Not some arbitrary date down the line.

Wow… Just… wow… I literally stated in my post that I do NOT want to be the loot master. I want to be the loot recipient. As in I have zero control over the loot? So no… I do NOT want to take away peoples loot chance, as I would not have a hand in that at all. What I would like to be a part of… is a GROUP decision in loot. Not entirely at the behest of a computer.

I would like you to stop making that choice for me.

I also find it funny that you call my post hateful and angry, when your post literally drips from it. You’re projecting sweety.

Do I have to scroll up for you and point out every single time I directly stated that I have never been a LM? Ever? That I never want to be one? That I’m a part of a TBCC ML raiding guild right now and am not on the LC or am the LM?

How’s that argument holding up? Hint… it isn’t.

I’ll state my position again, I want you to stop making the decision for ME to “protect” me from corrupt loot councils. I willing accept the risk. I see value in the risk. Sorry that you don’t.

As for that question that was posed… No I don’t want 100% deterministic loot. That’s entirely boring.


Looking at each side you can see which side wants to dismiss the other more.

You are right for once. It shouldnt be. Which it isnt. And wouldnt be in ML was in the game as an option.
PL was the dominant loot system in non mythic raiding and there is zero reason to assume that would be different if it came back as it was in legion.



When you lock horns with Snozh for yourself, you’ll understand.

looking at it. The people who doesn’t want ML are people who doesn’t even get affected by it. I dont care if ML comes back or not. But I want to trade MY LOOT w/o restriction. I dont care if it’s 20 ilvl higher than what I have equip if it’s 200 dps increase for someone else.

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Disingenuous. You can’t predict when players will be scum to each other.

If guild try to scam their players w/ loot they wont be a guild anymore pretty quick. You’re very clueless on the matter. Guilds (real guilds) are generally goal oriented. And their goal is to kill bosses with the team. And people who only see what they can get from the guild usually find themselves guildless really quick.


Actually… we have data to back up the claim somewhat… By the end of legion, the overwhelming majority of guilds in normal mode used PL. Half of the heroic mode guilds used PL. It was only in mythic when ML became more dominant than PL.

There are way more normal mode and heroic mode guilds than mythic guilds. So… most raiders won’t actually get affected by ML based on the stats pulled at the end of Legion.


I think the forums have decided overwhelmingly you are incorrect here.

Have a nice night.

I mean yea i guess if you ignore what i mentioned earlier which you literally replied to I could imagine how you might think that I’m ignoring players at different levels of play

hope this kickstarts your problemed memory.


I’m actually having a conversation where you don’t.

Stay mad and have a try to have a good day.

But you literally can! In legion the majority of guilds used PL in lower level raiding (the levels that everyone here against ML raids at btw). People have the choice of what guild to join and they can see what loot system they use before they join. If you dont want to be effected by ML you dont have to be. That would be your choice to join one that uses ML.

I wouldnt join your guild then get annoyed that you arnt clearing mythic bosses. That would be 100% my fault for choosing to join the wrong guild for me.

but < insert anecdote from TBC here >


While ignoring the examples from “modern wow” more recently

probably thinks they’re going to add masterlooter in LFR lol