No masterloot please

noooo i want to join a new guild, immediately complain i don’t like how loot is being handled but instead of leaving i want them to overhaul their system because i want to avoid the responsibility of having to have a conversation with the GM/RL that i’m not happy.


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yeah mate what i want to do is start multiple threads about how they should change mount farming rules and pet farming rules depsite not participating in the content because I pay a sub so i should be able to dictate what’s going on over there because i meet the stringent requirements of playing the game


the best solution is for this is to allow for mythic flagged raiding guilds to use master loot because the vast majority people who raid mythic understand the #1 job is to kill a boss, not using it as a stepping stone to get more loot. i don’t care what people do with loot in lfr/normal/heroic.

you also should be banned form having an opinion on what mythic guilds do with their loot unless you’ve raided in a mythic guild in the last 4 years.


So you’re just being selfish?

what? I’m literally saying i don’t care if they keep forced personal loot in lfr/normal/heroic - i want ML for my mythic raid. In fact the entire guild would prefer to have master loot over the wonky system we have at the moment.

Are you that rattled you can’t read my post correctly?


Get used to it. Once he realizes he can’t refute your valid points he doubles down

The fact that it did in legion and expacs before that too…
Do people really not remember that it was in the game and working just fine just a few years ago. Are peoples memories really that short?

Maybe I should start telling people how pet battles should go having never done one. Then I would fit right in on the forums lol.

No he just isnt involved in that content so has no opinion on it. Much like how people who only raid normal shouldnt really concern themselves with what happens in mythic since they are not there.

I dont care about pet battles or mount farming. That doesnt make me selfish just uninvolved in them. They have nothing to do with me so idc about them. I hope they are good for the people who do them but thats the extent of it and I trust that people who do that content know better what would or wouldnt work for their own content.
How silly would I have to be to think I know more what the pet battle community want than people who do pet battles having never done a single one myself.

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I’m really glad a 7/11 LFR raider such as Bloodypaws feels so passionately about a loot system that wouldn’t impact him even if it came back as ML was never in LFR.


I don’t think fostering elitism is a good idea.

The issue is they think their opinion on raiding when not even raiding is valid.

Though I’m still convinced he’s just trolling.

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Except any changes made are going to have a rippling effect.

You just don’t care to acknowledge or think about it.

You can literally look at legion and prior to know that it didnt happen.

Can you explain why you believe so fervently that it would be so vastly different this time?

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Players are more bitter these days because the game is lousier than before.

Particularly since loot drops have dropped.

Its lousier because they dont let players make their own choices.

You’re not going to see a flood of players back through the door just for ML.

Of course not. I would never claim that one single thing would have that much impact.
It was a build up of things going all the way back to multi specing when we were no longer able to have talents in different trees.
Forcing people to farm islands even if they didnt want to just so their armor would work.
Forcing people into torghast on every new alt they make.
Forcing people to play the covenant campaign
Forcing everyone to use the same loot system

Thankfully they have started to undo some of the rigidity.
We no longer have to do the covenant campaign, we can start at 40 renown on alts, We can sent soul ash and cinders and even buy them with flux which is dropping from every source and plentiful. If it were bfa we would have to farm it from islands or something to get a meaningful quantity and I know a decent number of people who have come back for 9.2.

Talent trees are coming back.

Things are changing and it looks like loot is next

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Would you ask a pre-schooler an opinion on how to battle climate change or the people who dedicate their life to climate change? Simply having a sub shouldn’t give you an opinion on what people do in content you don’t touch.

Raids are better than they’ve ever been before, and this topic revolves around raiding in case you forgot which thread you’re in.


I’d ask them both, to see if the people dedicating their lives to fighting climate change is actually getting through to the new generations. I should have a good picture once seeing both their perspectives.

I mean it does since knowing the journey that those people take is essential to enticing them into that endgame. If you make it too rocky a road hardly anyone would bother to get there.

Didn’t a RWF guild quit recently break in the race?

I mean at this point you can just stop posting because you’re clearly arguing in bad faith and I’m not really interested in discussing this any further.

You can clearly tell who has never raided at a level where progression is a thing for a guild by how they respond to threads like this. I posted this earlier in a different thread and it killed the thread because I can only assume it exposed them for being so clearly clueless about raiding at a progression level.

I’ll try my best to explain it to you.

Guilds like the one I raid lead only care about one thing, killing the end boss as fast as possible. When a new raid tie drops we want to kill early bosses and make steady prog as the weeks go on. Usually when you kill the 4th or 3rd last boss most guilds will start extending.

Extending means that you will no longer be getting any of the earlier gear to equip to finish off the raid. This tier has been abnormally long and jailer will be a very long slog of a raid.

The consequences of the current loot system on a guild like mine is that If a raider loots a tier helm but uses Unity in that slot, he cannot trade the helm despite not wanting to use it which means a raider who would have used it now cannot get it that week. It means going into the end boss with less gear in total.

Having to dance around these annoying loot rules is really frustrating for people participating at the highest level looking to kill the boss. The only thing people in my guild care about is killing the last boss - not loot.

The TLDR is killing the boss is the goal, it’s the reward the hours/days/weeks of playing together and many people use guild raiding as a great social experience akin to hanging around the pub with the gang and chilling out. When people like in this thread barge in and start talking about how the only important thing about raiding is the loot it’s just quite frankly embarrassing and anyone who thinks this way shouldn’t be in a guild in the first place.

Trying to compare WFR raiding to the raid is such a monumental reach I don’t even know where to begin with this. Nobody in this entire forum should even try to talk for the WFR situation at all. Not even myself.


I suspect we are dealing with a textbook case of the dunning krugar effect here.

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Honestly if he just admitted to trolling he’d actually not look as bad.