No masterloot please

please bring back master loot, this personal loot nonsense is such a plague for guild who want to progress content as a team and are not about ‘omg if i don’t get loot it must be another ninja looting leader and corrupt council’.


the main fix for corrupt leads is to constantly tell people that its okay to leave your guild if its bad.

some people just fear being the new person in a guild, but in reality them sticking in a guild they know is bad is just going to be an endless cycle.


You’re lying again.

No. I’m just exposing your own hypocrisy and the lengths of trolling you’ll go to to try shutting me down.

If that was true you’d of walked by now but you keep coming back.

Oh I also found this.

No I’m not. In the statement you originally quoted I didn’t say you were mad.

Stop trolling and cherry-picking quotes out of context because you can’t make a valid point.

I’m not trying to shut you down. Every clueless post you make is pure entertainment.

You keep responding to me in multiple threads you’re following me around. I don’t seek you out in any threads and most of the time I’m killing time at work.

That’s your best argument? Rofl dude is just another person like yourself that can’t deal with facts :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I’ll let the forum decide that.

When enough people tell you you’re drunk you should probably sit down.

Just keep trolling. It’s the only card you have.

Considering I won’t ever take the advice of anyone that’s half as smart as me I won’t ever take your advice :joy:

Ok. Sure. Whatever you think.

I’m sorry you can’t deal with facts.

It’s actually pretty sad how obsessed you are with trying to troll me.

No. Just showing it how it is.

The fact that your “best” argument is based on comments made by someone else that couldn’t refute facts.

Notice how y’all resort to personal insults once you can’t actually refute any facts.

Uh huh. Ok. Sure.

We have now reached the broken record portion of the thread where you are so stumped of a valid point that you can only repeat nonsense over and over again.

Feel free to continue.

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You’ve made your shenanigans too public.

Someone was going to oust you eventually.

Should probably learn what credibility is.

Just because someone says something on the internet doesn’t make it true :joy:

The specific poster you keep quoting out of context is mad because just like you he was proven wrong on multiple things.

I see that you’ve got nothing left in the tank.

There’s no point in continuing this discussion further.

Enjoy your shenanigans.

I see you still have yet to make a valid point and keep trolling.

This was never a discussion. This was you throwing a tantrum.

We will let the forum decide that.

It is what it is. Loot is just a means to an end. I always have the option to farm mplus and arenas for a weapon.

If bosses are dying I don’t care. My ego isn’t that fragile.


Yeah a community full of people that barely/don’t raid but collect mounts and pets is a great group of people we should ask about how Mythic raiding guilds should be able to handle their loot.


Well they play this game too don’t they?