No masterloot please

you are in for a shocker if they bring it back for dragonflight i cant wait to see the toxicity get even worse in wow raids its going to be great…;p;

No I won’t. Do you even know what RC loot
Council is?

Most of the toxicity in this game is on the low end and most low end guilds will still use PL.


i cant wait to see you have to give up that bow drop because the other hunter is given it through loot council and they are a friend of the gms…lol.

then you mite have to wait months to get another bow drop to even happen…lmao…remember this is what you want to come back.

Yeah, there really is no ML complaints in the Classic forums about “ninjaing”. Seems that ML runs are keeping to their word especially in GDKP groups. To the point, people are attacking people with more gold than them and are suspicious of them possibly participating in gold buying.

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what do you think is going to happen to retail wow when master loot is brought back wow token sells through the roof to do gdkps.gdkp runs will return it retail in a bad way.

if you think gdkps are bad in the classic series just wait when it gdkp returns to retail.

I’m not upset over GDKP runs. Doesn’t bother me. I’m merely stating there’s no ML complaints regarding horrible “ninja” stories. Meaning, during Classic, ML users are keeping their word. I even participated in so many different ML runs, and they all had their own rules. Some, I like more than others but for the most part, nobody got “ninja’d”.

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if they want the gold they will keep their word and with wow tokens prices are going to get insane with with the amount of gold thats on retail now.

Even in non-GDKP runs, they were keeping their words, too. I may not care for GDKP runs, but I certainly don’t participate in them because I find it weird to pay for free gear, but I digress.

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the classic player base is different then the retail player base.

That’s about the weakest response you could have come up with.

Yet in legion ML wasn’t an issue.

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Not by much. It’s all who you surround yourself with.

I was never cursed with a bad/ninja’d run in Classic, but there was a guild in SoM that decided to take literally everything during a Rag raid in the beginning. I don’t know why you’d do it so early on (if you must do that type of thing), but I never heard anything from them after the fact. The Classic community spread the word pretty quickly, and they were never hosting a pug raid again.


well im kinda tired of having to pause after boss kills to give the tradeable items to the raid leader so he can distribute it with rolls and take up more time…

id really like if it was at least an hybrid thing where it’s personal but tradable stuff automatically goes to some masterloot system. save the trouble/loss of time.

I was part of a group, where the group kept going, as loot was being distributed. We can pew pew trash and roll for loot, at the same time.

this was already a thing.

what a weak point.
If “the other hunter” gets it, and outperforms him consistently, he wont be upset. friend of the gm or not. Some people aren’t as petty as you are.

gdkp is a pretty healthy practice. Try to tell me what negative behaviors or outcomes there are?



They weren’t. It was the main type of raid loot distribution for most pugs/semi-pugs.

when ML and PL were both around, PL was fixed for under 80% guild groups, which is the achievement threshold.

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I don’t remember that but even then, I don’t want 80%. I want 100%.

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I mean, that’s fine, that’s what many have advocated for, full guild group or no.

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