No masterloot please

Ask yourself how long they’d hold onto them the moment they become a net loss.

Do you think the current RWF is a net loss? It is one of the single biggest sources of free advertising that this game has.

Yet the big players have dropped Blizz like they’re a hot rock.

oh, its moving on to the “some streamers left, so the game is now dead.”

Welcome to the standard population curve of an MMO. You get a big spike every expansion, a smaller spike after a patch, then it tails off until the next patch.

I thought we where talking endorsements in advertising.

Honestly I dont think it needs GMs to intervene. Literally all is takes is people to walk out if they think its being done badly. Lets say hypothetically my guild started doing loot badly. We have a roster of about 23 or so. What happens if 5 of us up and leave because we think loot isnt being done properly? Suddenly we cant kill bosses. We had 2 people away last night and had to bring in subs and we barely got any prog on anduin in 3 hours because people were learning the fight. Now imagine if 5 just left. No bosses would die and no one would get loot. It doesnt make sense for anyone to handle loot badly because they would get less loot than if they jsut did it properly since no bosses would die.

Like it was in legion. guild groups only is fine.

Why would that person join a guild that uses a loot system they dont like?
I dont join a normal raiding guild then get upset when they dont do mythic…


The problem with the potential of ML coming back, is it won’t be many people being allowed a choice, it will be the primary choice. I hope I’m wrong, but people are garbage and will take advantage of ML, they will abuse it and get it taken away. If it’s brought back, they should have a minimum of a 3-month suspension, plus a rollback so they don’t have said item… just for abusers.

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… In organized, high level progression focused guilds. Assuming it follows the pattern from Legion, the farther down the ladder you go, the less common ML will be.

I expect the 50% point (where a guild is just as likely to use ML as not), to be mythic guilds that don’t manage to consistently get CE (so guilds that end S3 at 7-10/11 M). Below that, PL will likely be more common.

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I expect that you will be because in legion ML was only the majority in mythic which is where most of the ML supporters raid. The people that dont like ML tend to raid in lower levels anyway which according the survey was (I think, its been a while) more like 50/50 in heroic and by far mostly PL in normals.

You don’t use ML to min max. You use ML to gear the team effectively by giving the biggest upgrade to the person that needs it. As usual you’re commenting on things you don’t have a clue about.

You do realize that I have had bad experiences with ML too right?

People playing victim doesn’t justify not giving people the option for ML.

I never claimed to represent the raiding community. However I find it funny that the only people that seem to be against ML don’t raid.

I haven’t bashed anyone. Saying your opinion doesn’t have merit because you don’t raid isn’t bashing.

Or even if they do then they dont raid at a level where ML was actually the predominant loot system in legion anyway so most guilds they would be in would still use PL anyway…

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I’m pretty sure the crossover point where ML became more common than PL was mythic, but not CE guilds. ML more common above, PL more common below.

To use last tier as an example, it would be guilds that killed painsmith, but not sylvanas.

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I’m starting to think it’s performance related. They are afraid that they won’t get gear because they won’t perform well enough.


Sounds amazing, no more focusing on loot until the raid is complete. Want to dip early? Sucks to suck, you wont get loot

Imagine calling ppl in a video game a “dictator” for being made the ML in a video game rofl. I bet you have trust issues in every part of your life

False, I want ML back because EPGP and DKP are some of the fairest loot systems out there. EPGP is an amazing system when put in place properly and awards those for showing up regularly, using consumables, progression kills, etc

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As best I remember the chart that gets posted from time to time, AOTC was close to a 50/50 split.

Clear trolling…

Indirect slams at the community.

I think given the frequency you keep using this argument is systematic of a deep seeded hatred you can’t publicly express on these forums.

You’re just a troll. A complex but bad one at best. Someone else already pointed out your methodology more clearly a few threads back.

Yet that’s not trolling. That’s me informing you of the facts.

Nope. Presenting more facts.

Hatred of what? People that don’t raid? I don’t care if people don’t raid. I would suggest getting a refund on your Facebook psych degree.

Aka you can’t refute valid points from someone who actually plays the game content being discussed and resort to calling me a troll to cover your lack of a valid argument.