No masterloot please

I asked for your math and you did not link me anything. Stay focused please.

Shivana. I want the math.

Baby steps.

Does this make sense to you, or does it not make sense.

These very people who want ML back are ironically the ones who want to play favorites and be corrupt LM but won’t admit it. They are angry they lost the power to do as they wish with others loot and they hate it. They can claim “fairly” all they want, but in reality its a way to hide their true nature and desire for loot control.

Whos’ these “people” you refer to? Because I do if it prevents corrupted LMs like you from controlling my loot. You don’t talk for a whole lot of people, you talk for the corrupted LMs who want to screw over others.

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Looks like someone who doesn’t want to actually acknowledge just how bad it is.

This is why we need baby steps.

Does this make sense to you, or will you dodge again?

Momma’s gonna keep baby cosy and warrrrm… oooooooohhhhhh babe.

Ohhhhhhh babe.

oooh babe. Of corse momma’s gonna help build the wall.

It currently feels dumb for my guild. We are still bringing ~8 priests to heroic anduin to try and force that ring to drop.

Here you go. The math that explains exactly how PL messes with droprates and creates incentives to class stack.

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they just gonna dodge this, I was trying to get past stage 0.5.

I can’t remember if I learned probability in 6th or 7th grade.

Which is more probable?

How the HELL dos that affect personal loot no restrictions??? What if anything too many people would abuse dictator loot. We’d just end up right where we started. No point in going back to that…

Because it is a fundamental feature of PL. Removing trade restrictions will not change how PL calculates what items drop.

So you want useless dupes to drop?

see, they don’t understand, but can’t help pretending that they do.

lol you got baited and so did I they removed a lot of it after they posted that.

Probability dictates that as you flatten the droprates, the chance for dups decreases. The chance of getting 2 cloaks in that raid is about 10% (2 31% chances both coming up yes). on a ML system, the chance of getting 2 of an item from that same loot table is about 1/12 (8%)

You are welcome to explain how personal loot no restrictions is worse than master loot .

I have. You are refusing to admit that you don’t understand it.

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