No masterloot please

That’s fair enough though. That would be like me getting mad at a pug for not killing guardian when it clearly said they were on pantheon. It’s my fault for joining the wrong group.


Right, 'cause it’s all about you :roll_eyes:

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You are either lying about you playing Cata or you just ran with some terrible guilds. ML was working fine. It allowed guilds to gear up exactly who they needed geared up in order to progress on bosses. If you wanted priority on gear, you had to prove your worth to the raid. It was literally that simple.

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It was this along with Blizzard themselves poisoning the chalice. To this date I think Asmongold had the best theory. ML was removed simply as a cost savings measure when Blizzard was laying off GMs and CMs left and right.

I’d imagine that if they do bring it back it will only be for guilds and not pugs.

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I do.

Why should the game be designed for you instead of me? Why can’t you just find a PL guild and then we both get to be happy?

There were way more guilds raiding back when ML was a thing than there are now.

Not a thing. Please don’t be stupid like this person and not realize pug ML died in Legion.

Because assuming that guild isn’t full of garbage human beings, they would switch their loot system to PL if they had to pug someone. This is what my guild always did. Also what pug is joining a guild group of 19 people if the guild doesn’t do this? If we didn’t switch it to PL nobody would have ever signed up…no random pug is trying to help our guild raid out of the goodness of their hearts.

Why would you quit raiding instead of just finding a PL guild?


I love it when people say don’t join a guild with bad officers…NOBODY knows how a guild handles ML until you join it and run a few raids. And having played Wow since classic, sorry but I don’t want to waste my time anymore HOPING a guild handles ML correctly. Just stop with your “It’s only bad for not so smart people.” crap.


Ion dropping that news is the best thing Ive heard in awhile.

Not only is the objectively best loot system returning, but I get to watch all the people who were so adamant it’s gone forever sputter in defeat.


Then don’t join a guild that runs master loot. It’s not a hard concept.


Do you have a link?

As long as it’s just for guilds I don’t see the issue. I’m super omega casual these days so PL is alright for me but those who want the option for masterloot should have it.

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It’s the Asmon interview.

I’d clip it but I suffer from extreme laziness.

Edit: start at 12:17.


It must be a hard concept for you to grasp…maybe most guilds will be ML? So what guilds am I joining again? Only way ML works is if you get tokens for each boss kill to spend at a vendor. Otherwise it will be the standard…join ML guild…run raids…realize it’s a bad ML guild…go to next guild. Sorry bad game design.


Honestly they just need to modify the loot sharing requirements so that poopsock mythic guilds can do all the stupid item trading they want, but if I want to PuG I can do it without worrying that every guild is going to be hard-rezzing whatever the DST equivalent is at the moment.

Also loot rates need to be better, I like seeing the piles of loot in Classic even if I don’t get any, but I hate seeing “you have received 25 gold” in my chat window.


You have to earn DKP. Yeah, you won’t get that belt you want if the other hunter in the guild has ran it 20 more times than you and shows up more often. You want the reward with none of the work, that’s the reality. That’s how a community works. Like others said, just don’t join ML raids or stick to LFR if it’s a problem.

Hard no on DKP. Been there done that. Especially if it is ML only as the loot system.


Same, I’m a hard casual these days. But I’m not going to be so entitled to try and strip that community aspects.

I don’t strip the “community”. If an item drops for me that I already have or don’t need…then someone in the guild will get my item. Also ML loot was removed for a reason (a.k.a. it causes a toxic raid environment.)


I really hope we get a neat trinket in df. We haven’t had one since convergence of fates.

I assume most even semi rational people would give gear depending on your performance.

Should I get my tier piece when I stand in fire and die 15 seconds after pull?
Should the other DH who does the mechanics and isn’t a potato get it first?
Srems easy to me.