No masterloot please

I think letting guilds decide what loot system to use is fair.

Yes because ignoring the rest of the post that refutes your points is definitely how we have a healthy discussion.


The only ppl who hate ML either,
A: are terrible at the game
B: want to raid once every 3 weeks and think they deserve the same chance at gear as someone who shows up every week fully prepared


Random isn’t inherently fair. Is it fair when the first person on your raid team to get 4 piece is your team’s worst player with the least useful bonus? Of course not, they have done nothing more than anyone else to earn it, in fact they have done less.


You’ve yet to make a point and we’ve been over this already… there is no point going over it again. So tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself.

Yes. Random is fair. Everyone has a chance at the items and the only thing I’d change… is the ilvl restriction. ML and fair are foreign concepts to one another.


Yupppp. We used DKP in classic and EPGP in SoM and I have to say EPGP with light LC was my favorite. Certain items were set aside for key players/roles, the rest was distributed based on your ability to show up to raid on time each week, prepared with full consumables.

There is literally no logic to that.

You ignoring my point doesn’t mean I didn’t make it. You may not agree with it but PL doesn’t do what you think it does.

Even then you do realize that even if they bring ML back you can STILL raid in a guild that uses PL.

So it is your position that it is fair that the person who has done the least to benefit the raid team/guild is in the same position loot wise as the best players, raid leader, recruitment officer, etc?

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Nor, can they bring up recent examples. They can only talk about BEFORE Classic (the current game version with ML). If ML is such a terrible system, and all these “ninja” stories are so rapid and everywhere, where are the complaints, in the Classic forums? The only complaints I see are against GDKP which is just symptom of gold buying and not ML.


Yup. Show up 15 minutes prior to pull time, zoned in and ready to go, +5 DKP / EP, use the full consumable list for your class provided by officers, +5 DKP / EP, there for boss kill, +10, there for progression kill +10x2. You show up and do what you are supposed to, the gear will follow.

I’ve already explained against this… oh wait… it was between me and you. But it goes in one ear and out the other… you only understand what you want to understand. I understand your want for the choice, but that choice screws over more people that it will improve… most guilds are going to move over to ML, because of control, you can hold players and items hostage easily if you’re an established guild. I can’t wait til people start getting ninja’d and guilds fall apart due to the change… this forum will be fun.


That’s not true though. If I get pants anything over 265 I can’t do that. You need to get your facts right first.

Plenty of reasons. You just don’t see them.

This is what it boils down to for me. They want to control how other people play that they don’t even intend on playing with. All while calling ml fans toxic “because they want to control other people in the raids loot”. So hypocritical. Since they are controlling loot of not only people in their raids but in raids they are not even a part off.

It works just fine for rc loot counsel. Why would this be any different?

That’s a shame. Hard to have a discussion when someone wants to not even engage in it.


Who are you to decide who gets this gear and how “deserving” they are… because you deem them no worthy because you don’t feel they did enough?


I still play Classic, from time to time with the ML system, and I’m a forever trial, technically (which is fine). I still get gear, but I (also) think (according to the BC Classic release Round Table) perma Vanilla Classic isn’t going, anywhere, so I’ll eventually get all of the gear. I don’t need it, right now. I don’t understand the rush, in all honesty. These anti-MLers seem kinda greedy, to me. Like, they NEED the gear first or something :roll_eyes:


Yeah, if you’ve got two hunters and one of them consistently does more damage, is responsible for recruiting a substantial portion of the raid team, and brings the feasts the legendary bow should always go to that hunter and not the one dead on the floor for half of most of your pulls.


Because I’ve gone over this with him already and he’s just annoying in this discussion process. He ignores half of what is said and just keep re-asking the same questions… he’s basically Amber Heard’s lawyer.


Your entire comment relies on a player who is dead early in the fight… you know how insane that sounds? You’re the problem with ML… players like you. In a perfect world the item would go to the person who would get the biggest upgrade, but you in your own words… go against that. :clown_face:

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No it won’t.

Then it’s an obviously better system.

You can do this now with PL.

It is insane to you that a raid team would have someone/a few people on it who struggles with mechanics more than the rest of the team? Ok m8. Yeah in a perfect world where everyone is ballpark the same level of player and everyone contributes to making the guild/raid run properly biggest upgrade is the only factor…spoiler it isn’t a perfect world and other variables have to be weighed.

Oh do we have your word? Lol

Just because something is used more doesn’t make it the better system and doesn’t mean it’s what the majority want…

You just lack intelligence and refuse to read what is being written.

With that being said Goodbye.