No masterloot please

Ok? That means absolutely nothing.

If they can’t deal with the facts that’s on then.

I don’t care if people block me.

Actually there are multiple reasons to bring it back.

Since you clearly dont understand the issues with PL and you only raid at an LFR level you should probably not comment.

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It stands as proof that your perspective is wrong.


Someone new who disagrees with you and you shoot it down.


There are reasons, you just might not agree with them.

Disagreeing with a reason does not mean that said reason doesn’t exist.

Why should be cave? He believes ML is a bad for the game and I agree… you could say the same to the guy he’s discussing it with.


So you’re stance on who should back down from an argument is simply the side that you disagree with should back down…

Does this mean that you and the rogue should back down because I disagree with you?

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To be fair… He’s arguing in pretty bad faith here… He repeatedly misinterprets Capslocks points in an attempt at a gotcha, and repeatedly falls victim to his own arguments thrown back at him.

It’s clear that he isn’t going to change his opinion no matter what, or he’s just trolling. My guess is it’s the former, and he’s just here to be contrarian for the dopamine high.

I maintain the original point… we’re asking for a choice. That’s it. I would like the choice to put myself at risk of a corrupt ML. I get why you don’t want to take that choice, but please respect my wish to put myself at that risk. I see value in that risk, even though you don’t.

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Goes both ways.

I stand by the fact that if you bring ML in, drama and abuse will ensue… with PL being the fair option.

I’ve discussed with that capslock before… he’s on ignore for a reason. He’s not someone who is good at making a point… but honestly, if no one is budging on the discussion… why not try to gain some amusement from it.

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Agreed. I’ve fallen victim to it as well.

I agree. Which is why I want it to be a choice. You want PL, I want ML (and the drama that ensues). I actually see value in that drama, even though you don’t. I don’t want to force you to use ML, stop supporting forcing me to use PL.

Eh, having read through the discussion above, the points seem pretty evident to me. Though maybe that’s just my own bias.

Lol, fair enough.

I don’t think it’s a good thing to cause people resent their time playing the game.

Here’s the thing. All the negative feelings from ML are still present with PL… they’re just directed at the game instead of at another player. Getting crapped on by RNG feels just as bad, if not worse, than getting crapped on by a corrupt LM/LC. At least you can choose to join a new guild and find a better LM/LC.

Edit: K, gotta go work! Don’t get me stuck in another dopamine cycle darn it Holi! :slight_smile:


No it doesn’t. It means people got mad because they can’t handle the facts.

Generally the people who are wrong block the people who aren’t wrong because they can’t refute the points.

Yes because when people who don’t raid voice their opinion on loot systems for raiding it’s being intellectually dishonest and biased.

If you don’t raid you don’t have a valid opinion on master loot.

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Are you referencing bloodypaws?

What’s wrong with people having the option? Why are you ok with forcing us to use PL?

RNG is just as prevalent in ML, even more so because the loot pool opens up further. Then the item distribution is in the hands of one person… that’s asking a lot of the player-base.

There you go. Why be opposed to fairness?

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That’s the thing about Snozh, he’s usually rude and he’s rarely wrong.

cant wait for the return of DKP and EPGP, back to what was good

PL isn’t a fair option.
PL doesn’t even do what you think it does.

We had two new trials last night and one asked about loot.

My guild uses RCLoot council. If you have never used it any loot that can be traded pops up and people can need/greed/minor upgrade and leave a comment on it. Last night we had. One of the trials ask about what would happen if they didn’t trade a piece. They were flat out told that they can’t be forced too give up the piece but they would be benched and not brought anymore and that goes for non trials as well.

All PL does is require another addon and restricts gear trading because of the dumb ilvl restrictions.

Either way we can have both systems and let groups decide which one to use.

It honestly depends on the person I’m responding too. I am usually polite but I won’t sugar cost something. Once people are disrespecting towards me then I return the tone.

If you believe ML is fair and PL isn’t there is nothing for us to talk about. I’m not reading the rest of your post.