No masterloot please

It is.

You’re shifting goal posts. RLs that hypothetically crazy wouldn’t last long.


Just like the ones who would use ML to funnel gear to themselves at the expense of their raiders.

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You’re pretending it never happened.


If the raiders stay in a guild where the GM is obviously doing this, they signal that they are ok with it.

It is far easier to do raids without a guild now than it was pre-warlords, especially if you only do normal mode.


This isn’t fair for everyone.

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Guilds are allowed to, and do make their own rules.

What seems fair to me might not seem fair to you.

If a guild feels that you should reward attendance and effort put into the guild with loot prio, and the GM happens to be putting in a large amount of effort for the guild and has 100% attendance, that should be their decision to make.


So we should start calling guilds, cults instead?


Just as an example, but how does that example make you think cult?

You would not want me deciding the values of your guild, just like I wouldn’t want you to decide the values of mine.


Power make people do stupid things with it.

We’re still talking ML aren’t we? This feels like we’re going off track.

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It gets to my point of different things seem fair to different people.

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bloodypaws is never going to cave. IDK why you even bother. I’mma have to do the same to you, just like I did Snozh. It’s not worth it.

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So we can’t be fair across the board so no one can be trusted to use ML.

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you could just mute this thread.

“there exists an x where y is false” does not lead to “there exists no x where y is true”

I only get notifications with replies and/or hearts. I see the pointless back and forth, and I don’t get it, so I can just block people, as well, when I still want to be a part of this thread but not the pointless back and forth.

Seems like you and Snozh belong, together. GL out there!


This doesn’t really make sense, but whatever floats your boat.

Right…whatever argument you’re making doesn’t work for me.

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I’ve never seen ML be misused, therefor it never was misused.

is the same logical leap as

I’ve never seen ML used fairly, therefor it never was used fairly.


I have been a victim of master looter many times. Zero reasons to ever bring it back.

People who want master looter can trade their loot to a person and have then distribute it. Always been an option.


what a point to make. strange no one has made it before.

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It is a scenario out of the right field.