No masterloot please

I got bloodypaws blocked, as well LOL

I find the whole back and forth thing pointless.

I don’t even think either side is “right” nor “wrong”. We just have our own opinions, and people either respect that or don’t. And, if they don’t and want to just tear into people’s opinions, I’ll just block them. Not worth it.


So if I block you, you are wrong by your own rules…

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Then that’s your choice.

Snozh would just find a way is disqualify you as having a valid opinion.

I don’t recall him specifically saying your not allowed to have an opinion, but he will tell you why he thinks your opinion is incorrect.

Which involves segregating the community to such an extent where player opinion doesn’t matter.

You’re allowed to have an opinion on things that you don’t participate in, but it is unlikely to be an informed opinion.

Given that someone does not participate in pet battles, how good would you expect their opinion on what changes pet battles need to be?

Given that someone does not PvP, how good of an understanding of the PvP gearing problems do you expect them to have?

Given that someone does not tank keys, how well do you think they understand the current problems with threat?

Loot is dictated at all fields of play.

Not just in the guilds who have smooth runs.

That’s what pro-ML will never understand.

this ML discussion has no impact on PvP, or M+ only players.

If you’re saying that using ML will be equally common at all levels of raiding, what data we have from legion (where both were an option), would point to that being incorrect.

There will exist normal guilds who want to use ML. That should be their decision. If the GM wants to grief his raiders, said GM will suffer the consequences of that decision.

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Blizzard just doesn’t want players to have that kind of power over each other anymore.

As a whole the community cannot be trusted.


They are just fine with giving the RL the power to remove anyone from the group for any reason.

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Yes but the minute that item drops with ML turned on, who holds all the power about where it goes?

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The minute you join a guild raid, who holds all the power on how long you stay?

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No one.

They haven’t gotten the loot yet.

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and the more people block said person, the more wrong they get?

and the statements of all the anti ML people. they all say PL is significantly more popular.

Raid leaders still have all of the power.
Guild leaders have a massive amount of power.

The raid group.

seemed to have missed the question.

The RL still has power over whether you get loot or not.

They are free to kick you before you pull the boss, which denies you loot.

in a guild run, they are also free to kick you mid pull and call a wipe.

Only when ML was around.

Otherwise it’s just artificial control.


really grasping at straws here.

You can’t get raid loot if you’re not in the raid.

Even in PL, a RL can still deny you items.

A RL can’t predict where the loot will go with the current system.


That’s not the point.

Nothing is stopping a RL from deciding that they really don’t like 1 person, calling a wipe, and kicking them so they get no items.