No masterloot please

Who cares if you find guilds it isn’t relevant. Not even sure why you responded to me anyway.

Wasn’t to you it was to Shivana…I’m on the phone with a dr and didn’t have time to edit it all out. They claim the player base is down so much they can’t find a guild so yes Orctang my post is 100% relevant…nice try though…

Yeah, some servers are in bad shape right now. One of my servers can’t even clear Heroic and barely have any raiding guilds, so yeah finding guilds on some servers is a problem.

Hope you are ok.

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All I can speak on is my exp. I have never had a issue finding a guild on any of the servers I play on. Maybe I am lucky

Thanks. I got hit by a person at walmart and need PT but other wise ok.

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Thats not what I claimed even in the slightest.

Ive repeated many times that guilds that match peoples values are not hard to find.

And none of what you quoted references finding guilds so maybe you quoted the wrong thing.

You are but you’ll never admit to it.

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That is exactly what you claim here.

Because I’m not. I don’t mind admitting when I’m wrong. I’m just not wrong.

That’s literally not what it says.
No where in that does it say guilds are hard to find.

Really just seems like you misread what I said.

Just because Y exist, doesnt mean X should be able to abuse lol.


debatable. Always ez to see the bright side with people you don’t have to live together or help/deal with their problems.
Just close minded to compare discord guy to your lifelong friend in debt and/or no job imo.

blizz wont do a ton of stuff blizz already did.

I dont see how vault itself plays againt bad luck atm nevertheless its the kinda of thing to be improved or expanded.

Kinda off, beat the mythic boss in under 5 minutes? get this. Over 5 mins? get that.

can’t abuse if no one is there.

You live with your real friends?

And I made that comparison…when?

The does against raid the raid design we’ve seen for years.

well its not on me that you don’t see how it works.

I don’t know if you’ve seen the forums, but people tend to complain about timers. fear of the ticking clock of something.

Wrong, You only can’t abuse if the system flaw doesnt exist :slight_smile:
Wierd take, do you think systems as a whole can’t influence bad behaviours?

When you called the random discord guys as a friend.

If you ever had a friend, you would know that they are part of several facets of your daily life even when not on the same roof though but still whit a resonable presence and communication. Thats the most basic standart at least.

so did m+ to dungeons when they were introduced.

It is also truth your statement doesnt make it a bad luck system either, where exactly it makes possible to have a predictable outcome? Its as rng as any boss loot table.

So? we had people complaining ML was removed.

You gonna change every system that could possibly allow abuse?

nope, they aren’t sentient or anything. your stance falls in line with silly ones like “video games turn children into serial killers”

Youre uh, missing some words there, gonna have to try again.

So you just gonna avoid things you have said. got it.
Keep bouncing around and being inconsistent.

hmmm, m+ a system the allows for increasing difficulty.
… normal, heroic, mythic. Sounds increasing to me.

its guaranteed loot. with the ability to increase potential options, not quantity. its bad luck protection.

by increasing the possible options.

and now based off of the dev interview it seems like it will come back, what exactly was your point with that response (unless there was no point, and you just wanted to shoehorn in another topic)

At least limit master loot to Mythic, maybe Heroic.

I said as sytems in general. A videogame has several systems which can encourage bad or good behaviour. loot boxes for example are cosnidered a bad system and it’s why they were banned in several countries.
btw the statement of how systems interfere in behaviour is actually an axiom not… so… you know, pretty clueless thing you just said.

You having an existencial crisis?

You did say random people in the internet are your friends, which is rich considering what you stating rn, by your own conclusion You dont have friends as part of your life lol.

Live with your friends doesnt mean to sleep in their side just like “I’m fed up with this” doesnt mean people ate something a lot and their belly is full either but im sure the concept must be hard for you, no wonder you have such low standarts.
I must say this level of incomprehension can either be dishonesty or a medial condition, and im not saying you doing on purpouse, do check your health.

it does, but it did much more than just increasing HP and damage as heroic and mythic did, it changed as they were designed as a whole. Like, a lot. Even blizzard openly said it.

All of that is also provided by boss kills, which makes the vault even worse in comparasion because the loot table is enormous and therefore more chances of not getting what you want regardless of the options that try to balance it out across 3 different endgame pillars. It is literally a gamble, how you see a gamble in steroids as something like a bad luck protection? By all means instead of the vault remove boss loot cd then, that would actually be much closer to the concept of a bad luck protection.

the same as yours.
If people complaints are the the sole measure then might aswell never do anything. Glad blizzard doesnt take your statement seriously.

Hardcore projection by your part lmao.
The vault one made no sense at all, if anything its less reliable than the boss rng, therefore not a bad luck prot, its actually a gamble.
You also didnt do well with basic semantics with this whole “you said live with your friends but you dont share bed so you lying” while trying to avoid the fact you have horrible low standarts of what a friend is, which you know, makes you being easily manipulated and therefore bad source.
Use crying in the forums as a major parameter.
And i hope you are trolling about how bad systems doesnt encourage behaviours because… you know skinner boxes and predatory design on games like the mobile ones are vey well know and documented to the point you have countries banning several of them after years of research, thing is i actually think you aren’t able to understand an axiom lmao.

Anyway its clear you dont want to have a productive convo or is simple incapable either way thats up to a psychiatrist to solve, not me. so goodbye xoxo.

I blocked Snozh, a long time, ago. Even though we’re both pro-ML. Not all Pro-MLers are Snozh. It’s not worth the pointless back and forth. Put Snozh on ignore and move on.


I can see at least one or two posters here who’ve got you blocked.

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loot boxes don’t influence you to do anything. its personal choice to open it.

oh nice, dodging the question.

This is also not the statement I made. You sure do love putting words in my mouth at this point.

having internet friends means not having irl friends. you sure make some random leaps in logic.

first of all, you said live together, and that statement does in fact mean to reside in the same home.


Fed up has nothing to do with food. you’re just objectively wrong about that.

The irony when you keep putting words in my mouth, and changing what you said later on.

None of that makes it not a natural progression of the system. and heroic to mythic has more than just health and damage changes.

comparison to what. you have not compared the vault to anything as of now.

Its not a gamble, its guaranteed loot.

what a jump of topic. bad luck protection all the way to remove boss lockouts?

Complaints are a very big part of the decision making process.

Maybe if you stayed consistent in what you were talking about, then you wouldn’t be bouncing around. If you would like to point where I misrepresent something you’ve said, or randomly change topic, feel free.

guaranteed loot.

oh, I bet you try to quote me with something I never said.

never said that. feel free to quote the actual line to prove me wrong.

you don’t know what my standard of what a friend is, all you’ve done is put words in my mouth and misquote me.

Hah, friend standards = easily manipulated. theres that bouncing around on topics.

Generally things that have a big negative pushback get at least a second thought.

systems can encourage people. systems cannot influence people. You will call this semantics, and its simply because you probably just can’t understand it.

Coming from the person who misquotes me, tries to tell me that i’m easily manipulated, assumes I must have no friends IRL, and all sorts of other things. Continue to be dishonest, it seems to suit you.
And the therapy jab. nice touch really. makes you seem so innocent and well adjusted.

Yeah. He’s ususally not wrong, but goes a bit too ham on the pointless arguments with obvious trolls.

being ignored by someone does not make your point incorrect.

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I’d argue it does since they’ve become so toxic an advocate that their message can’t be seen.