No masterloot please

That’s not entirely true. There are mythic raiders that hold his stance. They are in general less prevalent than in lower difficulties, but they do exist. The Mr Robot survey proved that.

That’s why we’re asking for options. Not wholesale revamping of loot and forcing ML on everyone. Let people who want ML play together, and people who want PL play together. If PL is so good… then there should be plenty of people willing to use it.

Nope. Just people that don’t raid offering their opinions on raiding and thinking it’s relevant.

I’m not wrong but there can still
Be discussions.


Keep being delusional.

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I said legitimate mythic raiders. I don’t consider heroic raiders that kill one pre two bosses mythic raiders.

This is my entire point. Anti ML arguments boil down to two things either

A. Master loot is terrible and shouldn’t return

B. But if it does return it will be so popular no one can find a PL guild.

If it’s option A then option B won’t be true.

I know multiple CE raiders that feel the way he does…

Yup, I agree.

Find one.


Again. Delusional.

Everyone has a say despite what your biased opinion is.

This all boils down to… do you as a player prioritize the group over the individual, or do you prioritize the individual over the group. The former wants ML, the latter wants PL.

I prefer ML. I also feel that when ML is done right, it tends to build groups that actually last. When it’s done wrong, it blows up in everyone’s faces and instantly destroys the group.

Again… all we want are options.

Yet you can’t find a single legitimate mythic raider that agrees with you.

I never said they don’t. However you don’t seem to understand the difference between a valid opinion and one that’s invalid.

I’m not asking for PL to be removed. I want ML and PL both to be options.

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Yup, I was agreeing with you.

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The only one who seems to make that kind of distinction is you.

In the end you’ll always lose the argument over ML because it encompasses more than what you define as the raiding community.

Though I know you can’t stand being wrong or losing so you’ll keep fighting.

I haven’t lost the argument over master looter because I want ML and PL to both be options. You’re the one that’s trying to dictate how other people play the game in content you don’t do and don’t have any valid reasons. Because of that you don’t have any argument to stand on.

That would actually imply I’m wrong.

Yep exactly (assuming you meant shoudN’T* in option a and it was a typo, not trying to call out over typos etc god knows I make more than most but it’s an important one here so just a friendly pointing out lol)

But yes exactly. People try to claim one then immediately the other which doesn’t work because they are contradictory.

The other thing is that people say it will take over and be impossible to find PL guilds. Forgetting that they existed in legion and they were the majority in lower levels too.

We don’t need to speculate what would happen. We can just look at what actually did happen.

Thanks. I didn’t realize it. I did mean shouldn’t.

But then they won’t have a valid reason to not being ML back as an option :joy:

What?! Please don’t kid yourself. Guilds exist, in large, for raid progression…which means loot. Being in a guild doesn’t automatically mean that the current tier is on farm either, so assuming no one needs gear is a massive leap from reality. The whole point of progression is gearing your raid members so can finally complete the raid and then move on. Your statement makes zero sense.

It is correct once you get 265 pants or higher you can have 100% agency!

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“I kind of want to, and the team does too” somehow = I don’t want to do it because I’m lazy…The code for ML is probably still in the game as well.

Ah yes, the standard blizz always mentions things as soon as possible bit.

Because someone being able to get something 3 times in a row while another gets nothing because of RNG is perfectly fair.

nah we’ve already been through this, you admitted that you will break agreements whenever you want.

ah, so not all guilds will use it badly, thank you for no longer generalizing.

shadow priest was a girlfriend. its all coming true.

just block it off for pugs.

but that happened already.

i’m pretty sure all the primary anti ML speakers here don’t even raid at all. or very little.

who else besides people who interact with raiding on a regular basis do you believe are affected? (top tip, trials and pugs are part of the raiding community)

that really lends to Entropywar’s point. The guilds progress, bosses die, so the loot will come.
avoiding a guild out of fear of not getting loot makes no sense to me.

Pretty sure you’re both making the same point from a different angle.

Yep lol

They can’t refute facts though they will try.

Lol I’m dead :joy:

If that’s the case my GM has one manly GF lol.

I’ve found guilds every server I have ever been on in 16 years of playing. Its not that dang hard…