No masterloot please

Whatever you say my guy.


It’s ok to be mad because your opinion is irrelevant. No one would blame you.

I do which is why you get so mad.

Except you keep these replies going… :thinking:

The simple solution is to not be part of a guild or community that chooses that loot system if you are so against it. Limiting other peoples loot choices just because you do not like something is in poor taste. Adding to the game is usually better than subtracting. More options are usually better than less options.

You realize I’m responding to you responding me because you follow me into threads because you’re mad.

And yes you making a fool out of yourself is entertaining.

yay we are back to just basic name calling now. great…

It’s the game Snozh wants to play.

Not much else to do. He can’t put up an actual argument. Just repeats the same garbage.

I might agree with your stance on ML but it takes the 2 of you to tango here

This you responding to a conversation between myself and someone else.

You’re the one that throws the insults. I don’t respond to you unless you respond to me.

If you find that insulting you have thinner skin than I.

Where did I say anything about it being insulting?

You should try taking your own advice

Ehh I’m just egging him on at this point. Guy is so mad he follows me into multiple threads just to try and troll me.


You’re still taking things too personally and now.

You’re throwing my lines back at me.

You don’t raid so how is that insulting? Also I don’t take anyone from the forums personally. You still don’t seem to understand that.

Just showing your obvious hypocrisy.

It’s insulting to think you can pull rank on anyone by constantly referring to raid status.

It’s beyond childish just to shutdown conversation, particularly any that is counter to yours.

It’s not pulling rank. You don’t partake in the activity so your opinion doesn’t have any merit.

Actually I don’t mind conversation with people that disagree with me. I was having it with that Druid just fine.

It’s my fault you’re trying to throw your opinion on content you don’t do and think it has any merit.

The solution would be to have an option where majority votes for ML in a pug. If the group is considered a guild group then freely turned on. If you do not agree how your guild handles loot then you should leave. Loot still gets determined in a ML kind of way right now anyways if an item is up for trade.

It is.

If a Mythic Raider was in here saying what I was saying you’d have no legs to stand on.

No legitimate mythic raider is going to agree with you.

You do realize I raid mythic right?
You also realize the other people agreeing with me also raid mythic right?

So you cherry pick anyone who disagrees with you by dressing them down?

That says it all. No more discussions to be had with Snozh since he can never be wrong.