No masterloot please


Keep jumping the gun.

This is plain and simple NOT how it actually works.

you may get a guild or two that says this, but I can assure you that the game and PuGing worked fine with personal loot before.

if it’s that much of a bother to you. don’t join PUG’s that are running personal loot.

It’s not jumping the gun. It’s a pure fact.

You don’t raid. So any opinion you have on rating isn’t a valid opinion.

They don’t ask the hospital janitor advice on how to perform brain surgery.

Thats like saying they would have announced the level squish before they did the poll about it if they had a level squish planned. It has to be the first time we hear about something some time and this was it for loot. Something will 100% be here in DF or the next expac.

He doesnt because he isnt a part of the world where this happens because he would use PL anyway if ml were an option like it was in legion without issue.
Which is completely fine btw just odd that he thinks his opinion on ML when he wouldnt use it anyway means something.

Thats rich.
Remember saying this?

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You always have agency when it comes to the guilds you join, or the pugs groups you enter, if you see a loot rule you don’t like, you can leave. Any decent guild is funneling loot in such a way to better help their progression, it means that the classes/players that benefit the most will get the piece.

Also, if you are super loot-horny in 2022, you’re pretty weird. Loot is, and always should be, viewed as a tool to kill the next boss. Once things are on farm you will eventually have all the gear you want.


Learn to read.

I guess according to him I should be mad that I got “cheated” because we gave mythic guardian ring that was an upgrade to the shadow priest that just came back and is gearing up instead of to me😂

I can read perfectly fine. You’re the one that keeps getting disproven and embarrassing yourself.

Yea I had this discussion plenty in BFA and the people that were against ML or trading all possible loot etc ALWAYS had 2 things in common. They were invariably less progressed through raid and had worse gear than me who at the time was the newest person in my guild and the last healing option on a weak healing spec. aka last to get loot lol

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Sure thing dude.

Stay mad your opinion is relevant my dude.

It’s enough to shoot you down.

Only in your delusional world. In the reality with the rest of us it’s not.

Masterloot for some!
Minature American flags for others!

Us is only you Snozh.

I can think of at least three people in this thread that disagree with you.

Dream on.

Yeah but they’re not as determined as you to take it personally.

I don’t take anything you say personally. You’re the one that takes everything personal.

Ok. Sure thing.

Me telling someone that’s clearly mad that they are mad is me taking it personally?

Lol your trolling is so bad it’s entertaining.

I’m not mad.

You’re inventing a narrative that suits yourself.

It’s fine. You do you.