No masterloot please

Let’s analytically look at this from the most greedy perspective possible: how would griefing someone out of loot affect the person doing it.

Yes, they get an item. At the same time, players might leave the raid/guild. If a lot of players leave, and progression stalls, it will become harder to recruit more raiders. If enough players leave, there won’t be a raid anymore. If there’s no raid, no bosses are dying, no loot is being earned. So this outcome is long term bad for the person doing the griefing.

At the same time, I don’t think it should be blizzard’s job to stop players from shooting themselves in the foot.

You can believe whatever you want. Ill put more stock in what actually happened a few years ago in legion though where it worked out just fine.

Like I said we dont need to play hypotheticals because it actually happened.

Players who are not a part of the world where people work collaboratively will find it hard to imagine it working but that’s fine. They don’t need to use it. I play sports at a pretty decent level but I find it hard to really think about what pros go though in a weeks prep for a game. Doesnt mean they dont do it effectively just that im not a part of their world.

Yet ML is gone.

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And they are working on bringing it, or something like it, back.

I would be careful taking a lawyers word at heart.

When they explicitly say that they want to do something, I’m taking that as a pretty good indication that it’s going to happen at some point.

Your lawyer point would be more believable if he had dodged the question.

He seem to do a good job dancing around it with pure speculation.

I wouldn’t call " I kind of do want to bring back master loot, and the team does" dancing around the question.

That’s a pretty definitive answer imo.

Kind of still reeks of a maybe and a deniable no if they don’t produce any changes to the looting system.

It reads to me as they want to make it happen, when they can untangle all the spaghetti code.

I read it as it’d be easier for them to do nothing, as they wouldn’t have the resources for it.

And unless it’s radically different I don’t think it’d be worth the effort from a development perspective.

He wouldn’t have mentioned it if they were not already well into having either ml or something close come back.

If they had something it would’ve been mentioned sooner.

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That’s your opinion.

How is ML not fair?

Sure because your first reason isn’t a valid one.

You can’t be abused by loot rules you agree too :man_facepalming:t3:

Please do. I can always use a good laugh.

Rubbish. LC or RL could be lying.

It’s not.

You do realize most guilds post droptimizer links showing the gain of each item.

Either way you agree to the loot councils decisions.

You would know this if you actually raided.

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But not all guilds.

Stop generalizing.

Even then you still agree to the loot rules when you join the group even in a PUG.

The irony considering all you’re doing is generalizing all guilds as cheaters and “abusers”

Not all guilds is all guilds.

Read more carefully.

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Yet you keep generalizing.

Don’t need too. You’re wrong and even then you don’t raid so you don’t have a valid opinion.