No masterloot please

If you’ve made an agreement with another person, do you believe it’s wrong to break that agreement?

No that’s not a we thing. That’s a you thing. Everyone who is pro ml agrees the loot rules were decided and agreed upon when you joined and if you don’t want those loot rules then there are other places for you to raid. This is a you thing. Not we. We all agree.

Depends on the agreement.

Then why did you lose ML if it worked with such harmony?

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Do we really need to clarify that if you are in a group that uses ml or pl+rc then you have agreed to the rules of the group. Is that something that even needs to be said?

I would never agree to those terms.

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but apparently you’re free to break your agreements whenever you want out with no consequences…

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they said it depends on the agreement. this person likes to lie to people.

how much more dishonest can you get than admitting that you can break an agreement depending on what it was.

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Because they wanted to slow down raid progression and had exactly the right bloody man to use to do so.

There were of course people who felt hard done by it but they usually seem to not understand why they were actually overlooked. Yes there are the stories of ninjas etc back in the day but all those stories seem to be far older than the option of having PL or ml so I don’t give them much value since they are no longer relavent.

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Fine. That’s not a problem at all. Join a group of like minded individuals then.

Don’t try to make my group of like minded individuals have to play by your rules and I won’t try to make you play by yours. Is that OK? You arnt even in the group.

What business is it of yours how we do gear? If we want to have gear decided by rap battles in discord who are you to say we are wrong when we are all choosing to play together?

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we need to make this a thing.
I would lose a lot.

NO! All gear decisions must be made by blitz chess.

I would never see an upgrade again lol. But still. If I were to choose to join a guild that did that that’s my choice. Its none of Bloodypaws or anyone else’s place to tell us we are wrong.

Supporters of PL only nerd to stop “gatekeeping” groups they are not even a part of. It’s selfish and arrogant to think they have the right to do so.

Then the problem is when ML becomes an option, it becomes the overarching norm and disrupts getting people for runs.

It becomes disheartening to get into raiding when a player-made political structure gatekeeps your road to rewards through gear upgrades.

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i mean, them, and people alike have this similar mindset
“I prefer this way, and everyone else should have to do the same”
And the rest of us are still on
“I prefer this way, and other people can just do whatever they want too”

at what level? CE guilds, sure. very likely would be common in mythic guilds that don’t get CE. Not likely to be common in aotc guilds and below.

pretty sure most of the pro PL people keep on claiming that PL was and is still the most popular method.

Fortunately we don’t need to speculate because it wasn’t in legion… At least not at the lower difficulties where the people who are against ml hang out. PL was the majority in those difficulties.

If PL is so wanted and people can’t find a guild for PL then they could make one and have all the players who want PL flock to them. Do you know who hard it is to maintain a full raid roster? Have you had serious chats to any gms in the last few years? Do you know how much they would do to have a point of difference like that will applicant’s flying in?

The “it would become the norm even though so many people don’t want it” arguement doesn’t hold any water. Hypothetical or real.

Well if player did get it back today, I firmly believe they would use it just to grief each other out of spite.

Outside of maybe a handful of guilds anyway.

I find it difficult to believe how anyone could taken modern WoW seriously anymore.

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Your incredulity does make it reality.