No masterloot please

So you’re bullying people for their loot instead?

What a wonderful alternative.

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If you’ve agreed to a loot council, and then decide to keep a drop and skip the council. you are the bully, and you are stealing.


No. You join a guild, you play by their rules. If their rules are “all loot goes to loot council”, and you keep an item without consulting loot council, you have broken the rules of the guild. It is up to the guild to decide how to deal with that, but this particular one shows that you are not a team player, which is not something many mythic guilds want to tolerate.

how would you feel if the loot council decided that bloodypaws gets the edge of night, but random raider decides to just keep it?

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Yea so I would expect that if ML had major problem then RC loot counsel would have “less” but there isnt any. No one is coming here making threads about their RC loot counsel guilds or if they have then I have yet to see it and given the extensive time I spend on here I dont think I would have missed it.

I think DKP disqualified my toons back in the day from acquiring any significant upgrades.

I believe they even still deducted points from my account on a item no one else was rolling for.

how is that relevant to the given hypothetical?

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Because that’s what happened to me?

I was never in the position to just have loot handed to me in the fashion you just described.

See it’s this kind of squabbling that proves why we can’t handle having ML back.

maybe, maybe not. I feel like there’s another side to this story that you either don’t know, or are intentionally not telling here.

Welcome to the world of hypotheticals. suppose you are the one who’s been assigned the item, and person who it dropped for doesn’t trade. how do you react?

If you’ve made an agreement, and you break said agreement, you are the thief. that works in real life too.

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No, see suck up was never something I liked to do in my video games.

I don’t even know what this post is supposed to mean.

Well making a random collective, judge jury and gatekeeper of loot just doesn’t work out all the time.

So you’re clearly avoiding my point.

also what is this? what part is random?

You’re assuming that in these scenarios I’d be a ML guild/group that works in harmony and fairness across the board.

I never got that back in the day.

doesn’t know what a hypothetical is.

And I’ve been a part of a guild that had ML problems, when it was available to be used.

Does this mean that I’m good to say that it never happened to anyone?

No, I’m just not stupid enough to agree with your side of the argument.

So you’re being dishonest. got it.

You even miss the point. This hypothetical is operating under a PL+RC lootcouncil system, like what many guilds currently use. not under ML, because ML would completely sidestep the issue I’m asking you to think about.