No masterloot please

No, we know PL is. I’m saying that one of the advantages of ML is that ML ISN’T

its been one subject. there has been no changing. Not understanding math is not the same as caps changing the subject.

literally anything related to drop rates.

So the advantage of master loot is everything goes back to completely random and you can get 3 or 4 dupes from a boss kill? That’s better for the raid… how?

And you’re saying that PL never gives dupes???

some bullet time happening here.

don’t get distracted. stick to the math.

again the game has been coded for personal loot and you’ve already had it admited that droprates can be adjusted…

I wait for a solid argument about why master loot is better but I just get these weird “gotcha” comments… Please tell us how master loot is better than personal loot no restrictions instead of just another vague “if you don’t know I’m not telling!” thing… Please tell us.

Then why doesn’t it happen with rc loot counsel?

Incorrect. If I get pants over the 265 I am currently wearing I have 0 agency of what I do with them. 0.

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but with personal loot no restrictions, you would have complete agency over all your loot, all the time.

[quote=“Bipsie-moon-guard, post:472, topic:1236912”]

every time you avoid answering you further prove you can only parrot responses, and don’t actually understand any of the math demonstrated before.

there has been no gotcha moments. you’ve been given a reason, and you handwave it away because you don’t understand it.

you were provided a reason, and you hand wave it away because you don’t understand it.

you were told. you just don’t understand the math.

own up to it. just admit you don’t get it.

ANSWERING WHAT??? I keep asking you the same question and you never answer it.

How is master loot better than personal loot no restrictions?

You just say something like look at the math…
what math? The math based on personal loot that doesn’t add up at all or make any sense?

Tell us how master loot is just better.

Just tell us. Stop making stuff up and just spit it out. I’m going to check tomorrow and if I don’t see a single argument about how master loot is superior to personal loot no restrictions I will assume you have given up.

Where does the math fail? by all means, run the numbers for yourself, and tell us what conclusion you arrive at.

The data gathered by wowhead shows that some items are substantially more common drops than others, and the rates they calculate line up surprisingly well with 1/5th of what I’ve calculated.

you’ve given up because you won’t be humble enough to admit you don’t understand it.

its been answered multiple times.

the drop rates are very different.

yes… it was demonstrated to you, and you ignored it.

see, you handwave it away, because you don’t understand, and you don’t seem mature enough to admit you don’t understand.

see above.

you continue to deflect. nothing is being made up, expect by you, because you simply don’t seem mature enough to admit that you don’t understand something.

theres nothing wrong with simply saying

@Caps, I kind of don’t get the probability stuff. goes over my head. but to me, its not a strong value personally.

its honestly sad at this point.

they can’t. they don’t get it.
they won’t have a conclusion, they will just say you made something up.
they aren’t mature enough to just admit that this point is beyond what they understand right now.

Yea. But that isn’t what we have and isn’t what was said.

I would be 100% on board with plnr if they slightly tweek the odds of certain drops like sylv rogue daggers etc.

you know if they revered the PL role order, and rerolled on whiffs, it would solve that loot % issue probably.

would be better than what we have now.

Would lead to a skew of who gets the items, but there would be more balance with what items drop.

How is personal loot no restrictions worse than master loot?


How can the math not apply to both loot systems?

How can personal loot no restrictions not have loot councils or loot lords?

You never answer how personal loot no restrictions is worse you just keep trying to give us a gotcha moment.

It isn’t ML.

There is less control over how the loot is distributed.

if you don’t understand, just say you don’t understand.

If you don’t understand, just admit that you don’t understand.

now whos changing the subject?

just admit you don’t get it.
stop deflecting.

this is deflecting. there is no gotcha moment. Why do you keep deflecting?

The specific math I did does not apply to ML, only PL.

no, we did. the current version of PL increases the chance of duplicate drops in specific slots, while lowering the chance to see weapons and trinkets.

PLNR would still allow loot council.

There is about as much control. Pass item where council decides. else the door is that way. Sure, you could keep that 1 item, but then you’re back looking for a guild again.