No masterloot please

Don’t join a master loot group, ez pz

so you admit they can literally just adjust the droprate for personal loot just like they could theoretically for master loot(although you also admit master loot could literally just be a bunch of dupes)

You claim that the benefit of Master Loot is that it doesn’t care about comp… how exactly is that better for the raid?

Right now we have “smart loot” so loot is determined by the size of the raid, the classes and loot specs.

How does turning that all off and going to master loot make everything better? How does looting random items make more sense than smart looting with no trade restrictions?

its pretty common for this to be projecting.

So then there should be no issues.

go play with Y.

you can have meaningful experiences with anyone, they don’t have to be standing beside you.

what a close minded thing to say.

And I said that when?

blizz wont turn raid drops into badges.

you mean like the vault? already in the game.

so badges? you said that one.

like loot for achievements?

ML provides player agency.

I don’t know why you keep trying to explain this. this is a negative thing.

its not a binary thing, there are more reasons that just that.
And if those are the only two reasons, there should be absolutely zero reason to not be able to just speak up.

Its faster than trading loot around.

and many people do… fun concept.

yeah, my guildmates actually prefer PL over ML. Most of their reasons are pretty silly, but they are my friends so it doesn’t matter. this last statement is more directed at someone else.

you know you keep saying this, but is it still actually true. currently in a group of 20, doesn’t only 4 pieces drop?

Do you hold this stance for all things potentially abusable?

keep getting burned. lol. how many times did it happen to?

so you don’t know how logs work. You actually log everything.

I’m thinking you just don’t understand what they are talking about at all.

because right now class stacking can be very beneficial in terms of artificially changing loot chances.

it really is just beyond you, isn’t it?

Good use of a “the”

also a very good “do”

Ok, I disagree with the use of this THAT

Oh come on… you cant see why some of us hate these nitpicking posts?

no you need to be running an app to actually raid log. That’s how parses worked for many yeares.

Yes, they could adjust the droprate for PL. but if you even out the droprate for 1 comp, you skew it for a different comp.

If we assume a pretty standard M raid comp, where you have a pretty even spread of classes, the more even spread of items will result in players getting weapons/trinkets faster. Under the current system, it’s not uncommon to be disenchanting rings because everyone who wants one has one, before seeing the weapon.

The number of items would still be determined by the raid size, as it was in legion. Yes, it would be possible to get a bow with no hunters, but statistically you have a hunter on a mythic roster, and if you sit them on the bow boss, that’s kind of on you.

But as discussed above, the leader can just toggle loot mode to ML silently, or just say “ we are doing ML, OK?” and switch it.

So ML fans would tell me not to play with those groups at all. It’s hard enough to get into groups in the first place, so at that point it would be better not to raid or even play the game at all.

Some raiders defend ML endlessly and contradict themselves when asked to state one good thing about ML. Maybe it brings back some kind of nostalgia about the good old days. But all I see is boosters, boostees, and shady raid leaders that want all the control.

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At that point, you will be free to leave the raid and make your own.

want there to be a PL raid in a world with the option to use ML? form a PL raid.

Yeah because the top 0.1% of WoW players always have a nice even spread of classes.

Every single raid tier.

Without fail.

You are so full of it and that sentence literally just hammered the nail into the coffin.

Personal loot no restrictions is where the game needs to be to make everyone happy.

You never gave a single argument about how master loot was better you just kept making stuff up or changing the subject.

Personal loot. No restrictions. That’s it. The future of loot is consensual. Get rekt.

I just don’t know what you’re referring to. And it seems you’ve likely just skipped whole conversations.
Is it an issue that I respond to entire posts one section at at time?
Or are you talking about my responses to orctang? if its that, maybe look back at the whole thing.

that’s cute. totally false, but cute all the same.

no its not.

yeah, math is just making stuff up.

I wonder what kind of person you sound like irl.

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What is that supposed to mean? Are you about to use math to prove that master loot is better than personal loot no restrictions?

OMG please do that would be so epic.

most of the time, you do run at least one of every class at some point in the tier, so you’ll want to have at least one of every class on the roster.

When have I changed the subject? All that math was related to a problem that PL has. You’re also welcome to check the calculations if you think I did the math wrong.

I have no idea where you got this number. Going by data from last tier, about 37% of characters tracked by dataforazeroth have completed the achievement “The Jailor’s Vanguard” (1st 3 in SoD on any difficulty, including LFR), which is the largest of any of the SoD raid completion achievements. 14% have the 10/10 heroic achievement. 12% have Mythic: the Tarragrue. 2% have CE Sylvanas. We are talking about something that would only have an effect on players who raid, and this implies that almost 1/3 of raiders manage to kill a mythic boss.

I already pointed out that the game is coded on the composition of the raid, the size of the raid, and the loot specs of everyone eligible for the loot.

They specifically dropped master loot to do this at the start of BfA.

You have yet to make a single argument about how personal loot no restrictions is somehow worse than master loot. I gave you so many opportunities and you cannot give me a single argument about how it is somehow better. Whatever they can do for droprates applies to either loot method.

Everything you have tried to say to support master loot could easily apply to personal loot no restrictions. You cannot even give a single argument to support your case.

you keep repeating this, but it just sounds like you don’t understand the math.

they have. you just dont understand it.

that’s not how that works.

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the math that calculates personal loot based on the number of players, their classes, and their loot specs?

I’m feeling more and more forced to conclude that this is either willful ignorance, the Dunning-Krugar effect, or both.

how about you demonstrate some math to prove you actually know it.

So just to be clear, you are claiming that personal loot in raids is NOT determined by the number of players in the raid, their classes, and their loot specilizations?

I’m claiming you don’t understand the math.

Which math exactlly? Cause it seems like you just keep changing the subject so tell me what math and what subject you are talking about.