No masterloot please

PL no restrictions will just be used like ML, but without the flattened droprates.

“You can trade it, so trade it.”

Statistics and probability.

Did you know that even when not in a guild people play together?

X is a stupid person. X has all the avaiable tools to not make stupid decisions. X still do stupid decisions regardless because at the end of the day its all X knows.
Thats why many people decided to avoid a lot of stuff when the possibility of X being in power is a thing.

You gotta be pretty closeminded to beleive people you dont know, live or had long and meaningful real life experiences together, are your friends, lol.
In all honestly its pretty shameful, you either have no friends or dont care much about them if you beleive the random dude in the internet which you never saw in your whole life is at the same level.

Badges, badluck systems, vendors, reward for an achievment etc etc
None of which requires you eleminating player agency so you can funnel loot.


The vote would need to be hidden whether it is a guild group or not.

If the vote passes in your group, then nothing is hidden, and you know that everyone accepted ML.

If the vote fails, then you know that someone in your group wants more total loot for the group, or they want everyone to have more control over their loot.

There is no logical reason why ML would be superior, assuming that no boosting is involved and no favoritism is shown when handing out loot. Many people do not want ML back, even when playing in a guild. I’m sure that you can understand this, even if you yourself are a fan of ML.

It is human nature for many players to go along with the rest of the group, even if deep down they don’t agree. I’m sure that you can understand this, even if you are the type to protest against the group or the leader without holding back.

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I asked you what you based all that on and you just made stuff up.

There is no evidence that personal loot no restrictions would have different coding than “master loot.”

Personal loot is already coded into the game. Takes no effort to remove the restrictions. It’s all right there in the coding. The only problems are the min maxers and the streamers that would immediately pack their raids with the same class to funnel loot. Which they already do anyway.

Also you still have not explained at all why personal loot no restrictions would be worse than master loot. You cannot answer that can you?

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Yeah you’re a troll

Explain how Master Loot is so much better for everyone than personal loot no restrictions.

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Umm, what?

Master Loot had plenty of dupes back when it was a thing. You could even get two dupes of a mail helm with no Hunters or Shamans in your party, for example.

Master Loot generated items stupidly and randomly like the Great Vault does now, except it didn’t even care what anyone’s class or spec was!

They clearly have no idea what they are talking about.

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Neither do you, you’re an LFR hero this wouldn’t even effect you. Nor me as I’m a hard casual these days. Yeah my memory slipped there. But still all the other points stand. You’re either delusional or a troll at this point.

I’m an LFR hero who pugged heroic coven the first week antorus released when the fight was bugged and I, the pug leader, convinced a raid of 30 people to run 8 healers on the fight and we actually succeeded.

You’re a forum troll who doesn’t actually offer any argument about why personal loot no restrictions is bad and just tries to slander and mock anyone who doesn’t agree with you.

Yep a troll

You SURE are.

You have yet to give a good reason why it shouldn’t be in the game. You’re completely ignoring every reply giving you reasons. This wouldn’t even effect you and would only be useable in niche situations with a pre-determined group who all agree on it. Like I said, delusional or a troll.

It shouldn’t be in the game because personal loot is already hard coded into the game and it makes it so much easier to just remove any restrictions and let EVERYONE CONSENSUALLY trade any loot they want either with a loot council or the raid leader or the guild master.

No coding needed. It’s all there right now already.

Anyone who does NOT consent. gets to keep their loot.

Anyone who DOES consent, gets to have their loot counsel. Or Loot dictator. Whatever they want it’s all consensual.

Nothin you have said so far justifies or explains why master loot makes more sense.

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ML is less total loot for the group, and less useable loot if you don’t have an even array of classes/specs and armor types.

Leaders can easily abuse ML and silently give loot to themselves or their favorites without even offering anything to the rest of the team.

It is ultimately bad for the game if people stop running content because they keep getting burned by ML.

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Ok, I’ll use the comp from you’re most recent logged skolex kill and dausegne’s loot table as an example this time.

raid comp is:
3 ranged hunters
1 enhance shaman
2 ret palains
1 outlaw rogue
1 elemental shaman
1 brewmaster
1 bear
1 hpally
1 resto druid

Of those, everyone has 3 items on their Dausegne loot table, except the DH, rogue, and brewmaster who have 4 (assuming loot spec is raiding spec)

everyone has cape, there’s also a mail chest, plate boots, intellect DPS trinket, leather shoulders, leather belt, plate hat, gun, and a 1H agility axe. There are 4 other items on the loot table to a total of 12.

For the gun to drop under ML as one of the 2.6 items you would get on average, It has to roll a 1/12 (8.3%) to drop the gun.

Under PL, it 1st has to roll to see if a hunter gets an item, which is 3/13 (23%), then it has to roll a 1/3 (33%) to see if they get the gun. Both of these rolls have to come up true, which will happen in 1/13 (7.7%) situations. PL has changed the droprate of the gun from 1/12 (8.3%) per item to 1/13 (7.7%) per item. While that doesn’t seem bad, it’s worse for the 1h agility axe. that would have a chance to drop of 3/52 (5.7%) 3/13*1/4=3/52

The cape on the other hand, since the 1st roll (what player) doesn’t matter, has a droprate of 31.41% droprate (yes, this is 10π%) for that comp. (10/131/3+3/131/4)=0.3141.

I don’t “log” anything.

You’re looking at a guild I raid with but am not a part of and they have nothing to do with my logical arguments here about personal loot no restrictions.

Capes, rings, and amulets are by far the most common drops in raids already. They would not change with master loot. Drop rates are drop rates.

You still are not justifying master loot or MOST IMPORTANTLY explaining how it’s better than PERSONAL LOOT NO RESTRICTIONS.

Irrelevant. Just used to pull a raid comp. I could just as easily used my own guild’s comp, but we’ve been doing some odd things to try and force the anduin priest ring to drop.

It would require blizzard to manually set the drop rate to higher or lower. as opposed to the current system, where it just happens as a feature of the loot system.

I guess you want a harder time getting weapons from raid.

And that can’t be done with personal loot no restrictions right? The only way this can possibly happen, this change we need, is with master loot, am I correct?

not really. PL runs into the issue where droprate depends on comp, whereas ML doesn’t care about comp. for PL, you could set it to be even assuming a certain comp, or set of comps, but once you have a different comp the numbers will be off again.