No masterloot please

RNG decides already what is gonna drop regardless, why not just have a currency if you want it to be more deterministic lol.
I am sorry but watching the loot in a corpse isn’t something i heard beign a must have experience when compared to getting said loot. Also, how it gives more player agency if the player gets the choice taken out of him? this didnt make sense. All in all there is a single criteria linked to ilvl which is to avoid people stealing/demanding the loot.

ofc they do. Trusting the internet stranger is as valid as distruisting him lol. Everyone had plenty of experience. Cant blame the bad ones, when you give some kinda of power to an ignorant person they use it… in a ignorant way.

Look, lets be for real here. If they are close friends, family or trustworthy acquitances you have an actual life with, great.
However If your relationships is only based on talking via discord in your videogame hobby thing then you are not related to these persons… like at all. Since that tends to be the rule, so ya, most of the time, they are total strangers.

Needless to say “trust me bro” wont make people… trust you lol.

Agreed, thing is, the issue people have with ML is exactly the reason of the MLooter not having personal responsibility and always coming up with a random excuse lol.

ML doesnt even remove rng, it just guarantees the prefered members - be by competence, be by siming, or some completely random stuff - will be having priority. Not saying that this is bad per see, but there are just soo many better ways to achieve this that the whole discussion feels completely null lol.



Even when we had Master Loot, not every item on a boss’s loot table had the same chance of dropping.

Edge of Night is not going to drop at the same rate as Sylvie’s ring. Turn on Master Loot, and you will still see three or four of those rings pop up because Blizzard knows they are useable by everyone.

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Doesn’t matter in ML.

Mythic, so 20.

You don’t automatically own the loot a boss drops. Everybody who helped kill the boss and can use the items, owns the loot. Yes, some guilds are shady and abuse this, which is why you dont play with those guilds and discuss the loot rules prior to doing the content. But the majority of guilds in this game are not like that. On top of that, just because ML exists doesn’t mean loot council is always going to be the de facto ruleset, which is where most of the issues people keep complaining about happen. If you don’t like it, don’t run with a loot council guild, simple as that.

You just come across as entitled and whiny with this post OP

They already stated that they have removed master loot because of all the work they had to do to code the game to give loot to players. It’s not just random hope its not all dupes loot anymore.

It takes into account the number of players, the classes, and the specs the players are set to when loot drops.

You are trying to present an argument that somehow Master Loot is okay because mythic raiding only allows 20 players? You think world first mythic raiders can’t adapt and min max if we make personal loot no restrictions?

You still aren’t convincing anyone that Master Loot is the best option. Because it’s clearly not.

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As will any loot system, yet it’s still fixed in mythic

Not really. Even in legion, you could get mail in a raid with no hunters/shaman.

No, I was simply pointing out that I was using a mythic comp when I did the math.

N/H/LFR flex would still work the same way it currently does, where you get 1 item per 5 players, with a 20% bonus for each raidsize%5 player.

I’m not saying it’s perfect. I’m saying it would work better for some guilds, so those guilds should have the option to enable it.

master loot was still a thing at the start of legion… until the first patch of BfA.

You still haven’t pointed out how Master Loot is better for everyone over PERSONAL LOOT NO RESTRICTIONS.

Not once, have you pointed out how it’s better. At all.

isn’t your castle built on “streamers are bad”?

And i find this to be a bad thing.

hiding votes for guilds isn’t fair in my mind.

I’m not lost on the concept. I think the concept is bad.

That sounds like human error.

when did this become “every last decision”? bit of a jump. you seem to have missed some steps.

you seem to have missed some options.

this thing called a guild. they do things like work together.

I’m just not sure what you’re trying to say.

what a closeminded thing to say.


well currently you kinda do.

ah yes, speak for others.

they don’t have to, that’s not their argument.

Explain to everyone right now, how Master Loot is better than the consensual PERSONAL LOOT NO RESTRICTIONS.


Enlighten us.

Because it allows people to work towards specific gear more efficiently. It’s not rocket science. Also if you’re a serious guild you can push specific classes that may be more beneficial to push content easier.

Would lead to less wasted loot. Fewer rings/necks/capes would drop, more weapons/trinkets would drop.

nobody cares about when they got that high haste + crit ring. Players care about when they get their Edge of Night, Gavel of the First Arbiter, Jaithys, or Rae’shalare.

Are you trying to justify Master Loot? How does PERSONAL LOOT NO RESTRICTIONS actually stop that from happening?

Yes, the more choice you have in an MMO the better.

What are you trying to say? Personal loot no restrictions is clearly the right choice?

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Also this would be optional. Most people are advocating for guild use master loot only. It wouldn’t effect most players.

right now caps. the internet person said so. and they are god.

What exactly are you basing this claim on?

You were totally a RL with control issues, weren’t you.

math that you admitted to not understanding.

Because personal loot you can get any gear. You could multiple people getting the same personal loot. With master loot there wouldn’t be any dupes.

Last time I lead a raid was Antorus, and it was always a pug and it was awesome.

You sound like a massive jerk in real life.

Also the demon girls boss was bugged the first week and after hours of wiping I said NO WE ARE BRINGING MORE HEALERS. And we cleared heroic coven with a full raid with no less than 8 healers.

I will never not tell that story. Epic heroic raid story.

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