No masterloot please

Blizzard: “We’re bringing Master Loot back! Time to resubscribe! All is well again!”

Players: “They’re bringing Master Loot back! Time to resubscribe! All is well again!”

Players, somewhat later: “Wait, what is this? This isn’t what we thought we were getting…?”

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honestly don’t bring trials to bosses you need.
and if your response to this is a roster issue, then that guild probably needs that trial more than the trial needed the guild.

But i warn you about holigreen. They have said in the past that they only raid with friends, and even then are worried that the people they raid with would get power hungry and take loot from them. they can’t even trust people they call friends.

Kind of like your responses. :rofl:

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multiple things I replied to. and this is all you say. What was that about cherrypicking?

It’s not going to effect everyone. You literally will have to switch it on. If you don’t want to run a master loot raid then don’t run it.

Every system can be abused. But every system can work well too. Master looter was a godsend in my guilds from classic to cata.

So does chat.

Yes. I’m also pretty sure the negatives are over-reported compared to how common they are, and the positives are under-reported, which result in this topic showing a well known phenomenon called Selection Bias.

I think this would fall under a similar category to getting kicked from LFD. They have a support article that explicitly says you can get kicked for any reason

They appear to be getting ready to crack down on chat more.

Yes and the fact is some problems did occur.

I don’t agree.

Wrong, problems only happened some of the time. Logik.

Why is your opinion right and mine wrong?

logik, duh.

I have no interest in this game if master loot comes back in any way at all.

Remove all restrictions from personal loot so loot councils are 100% consensual and ethical? Yes I am on board with that.

Master loot in any form at all? No. Just no I’m not okay with that at all.



I guess you have a hard time reading. I never said it was wrong.

So you believe their opinion is correct. good to know.

Never said that either. :clown_face:

Personal Loot is more pieces of loot in total (confirmed even by devs), and each piece of loot is always appropriate for at least one player’s class/spec.

Master Loot means fewer pieces of loot in total, and you might even get pieces that literally no one can use due to armor/weapon type.

What is so superior about Master Loot?

If you are doing a PUG or joining a guild as a guest, could the raid leader turn on ML at the last minute? Could there be an anonymous vote so that if even one person opposes ML, the group has to do PL?

The mere presence of ML would make me more hesitant to do group content than I already am, unless there is some sort of anonymous vote system in place.

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The negatives of master loot are very clear and well known.

The option of personal loot with no restrictions on trading of being more beneficial and consensual are so abundantly clear.

What do you have to hide from no restrictions personal loot? What is it that you can’t do with no restrictions personal loot compared to master loot? Please explain we would love to hear it here.


Technically yes, but disagreeing with it implies that you believe it to be incorrect.

The comparison is bad.

What is it that Master Loot can do that no restrictions personal loot cannot?


can’t do in combat.

why anonymous? I don’t want to be in a guild that runs things anonymously.

every advocate I have seen so far still believes PL should still exist for anyone that wants it.

Are you actually afraid to just state your opinion in your guild?

oh i know this one. caps has stated many times before that PL creates a skew towards certain pieces of gear. namely rings and necks. this leads to wasted gear.