No masterloot please

How so? Yes, 1 person inputs the command to the game, but in my experience, most of the time the decision is made after consulting with the raiders.

That doesn’t address the actual point of my comment. Only 4 of the players chosen at random have agency.

You just said, just because you experience something doesn’t mean anything. The final decisions rests with the master looter.

Yes, the players that won the loot it is their discretion to trade or not to trade it. This is an example of complete player agency.


HMmmm some flawed logic is showing up here. Can all players have agency to trade loot if they cannot trade loot?

Only the master loot has the buttons that decide where it goes. however the group can decide as a whole. Logic

sometimes. and pretty much never when it matters most.

oh, that’s not how our loot system works. the master looter can’t just tell people they are wrong. That would be breaking the pre agreed upon rules.

Except when they can’t trade it, so it isn’t complete.

while this is technically correct, the lootmaster has to allocate items in a way to keep their raid together. If enough of the raiders think the lootmaster is doing a really bad job, then they get deposed, or the raiders leave.

good point. You have 0 loot agency for your 1st kill of M Lords of Dread this tier, or KT last tier.

You realize PL can be adjusted in the future right? Seriously…

Wrong this is not always the case. Logic.

I don’t care how “your” loot system works. Master Looter can do whatever they want to with the loot.

Blizzard stated they may be making changes to some existing systems. Logic.

Yes, a bad situation one Blizzard is trying to avoid.

Dear guildies: As guild leader, I have to make tough decisions as to who gets what loot and now that masterloot has returned I now get to decide who gets what items from every boss.

I want us ALL to succeed and get upgrades but as guild leader I need to distribute gear in a way that will benefit THE GUILD and not just you. We want to progress and that means sometimes I have to give loot to a member that doesn’t SUCK, and will benefit the guild.

Sometimes, YOU are the person that is not as good as another player, and if that’s the case, perhaps its better if you just leave and git gud. Becasue the loot is going to go to the player who can benefit the guilds progression. If that isn’t you, then get out.

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It can. but ML is already a known quantity that solves 2 of the biggest issues with PL.

Doesn’t mean it is never the case.

Not if they want to stay the lootmaster for very long.

It also creates more problems.

So, there some good cases?

Like I said Blizzard is trying to avoid bad experiences for all players and making the game more inclusive as their motto states.

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The loot priority should always be “of the players who are in for the next prog boss, who is it the biggest upgrade for/who will get the best use out of it”

Masterloot will probably be back. And when it does come back - in name only - it will be almost unrecognizable, and will make nobody happy.

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I expect this to be the case as well. I expect it to be a modified version of PL in 100% guild groups.

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There are other factors… How often do you show up? Get mad after every wipe? Got 6 hours to spare? Can you afford your own repairs? Ok I’m kidding on that last one. :slight_smile:



not always the case.

can… as in not always.
Yeah, that is what I said. How is it wrong if you agree? Logic.

So the group making the decision falls into the realm of whatever they want. Logik

council happens to mean more than one.

strange that below you are kicking people. sounds disingenuous.
maybe leave this guild.

that does sound good. I do like being in a guild that actually progresses.

don’t suck. problem solved.

what happened to “ALL to succeed”
This sounds like lying. LYING GUILD PERSON.
dibs out.

what’s funny about this is that lots of guilds I knew would have someone other than the RL or GL be the master looter just to alleviate duties.


I listed one. you agreed with it.

Well this is just funny.

Good. Because there is literally zero reason for it to come back… it’s only there to cause problems.


Why are people up in arms about s system that is going to be optional to use? This is like getting mad that there’s an option to turn off exp while leveling lol

It won’t be the default looting system it’s just there for people who want to use it.

Just because it’s going to be an optional system, doesn’t mean it isn’t going to be abused… just like it was abused in the past.


But it will only effect you if you let it. It’s not being forced on you. It’s the guilds problem not yours.

Honestly I’d just like an alternative to the horrible personal loot system. It’s absolute garbage to bring a trial to a raid and on their first raid having them accidentally win a bis item Over a veteran raider. It’s called paying your dues

Pretty neat

You are mighty delusional if you think this isn’t going to effect everyone… but just like I tell everyone else… it’ll be abused and people will complain openly, it’ll eventually get removed and I’ll laugh in the face of the people crying for it to come back. People don’t know how to act or treat others… so they can’t be trusted with power. So I’ll be here for the massive, “I told you so.”

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