No masterloot please

Ok, please state your point in this thread and all supporting evidence here.

I’ll wait.

There are no valid reasons to bring back ML. Supporting evidence is this thread.


This is Blizzard.

You can’t trust them these days.

Yep and that’s not a good thing, RNG is part of the game whether people want to accept it or not… as long as there are item/loot tables there is RNG, so they tend to think ML is a solution and you gotta be delusional to not see the far more serious issues ML would bring. I rather see Billy get the same item twice and be able to give it away then to tell Billy that he can’t even roll for a specific item til the 4-5 people ahead of him get it, if it were to even drop.

Not really… your reasoning was pretty bad. One reason? Fairness. Want two reasons? Avoiding abuse of a system that was clearly abused. I could go further but you wanted one.


Yeah, the idea that ML will fight RNG is a ridiculous concept.


what makes all the reasons given to bring it back invalid?

They have no logic outside of controlling other people’s loot.


You have failed to explain why giving players agency over where the raid’s items end up is a bad thing.

The only reason to associate two people together is if you think they are the same person?

Absolutely no one is asking for ML as it was originally designed. very dishonest.

“I can’t help if it you can’t read.”
“I can’t help you if you can’t read.”
There are more, but other people will get the idea.

You have no logic, your point is now invalid. wow, it really is that easy.

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Ignoring your own advice from earlier. you’ve been caught in the black hole.

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It isn’t good for player morale.

It doesn’t matter how harmonious your raid team seems animosity is going to grow over that council, officer or raid leader who dictates where your reward goes.


More or less but there is no reason really to call people out.

I still can’t help it you can’t read.

Thanks for sharing your lack of logic.

You have failed to explain how this accoplishes what ever you are suggesting.

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Not my fault you can’t find a guild. It’s not hard…

players disagree with each other. this is not news. If enough players decide the lootmaster is doing a bad enough job to leave, the guild dies. suddenly, said loomaster is no longer killing bosses, and therefore has no items to distribute.

The solution of returning ML, by definition, would give player(s) the ability to allocate items where they see fit by way of direct assignment. Players deciding what goes where is a form of agency.

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Only some players the players that decide where the loot goes not all players.

Currently all players have agency to distribute their loot.


hah. okay then, there is no logic in that.

i mean, aside from the reason they gave in the first place.

maybe a comma would do you well.

Your logic is illogical.

if playerbase went down, wouldn’t the ratio of guild to playercount remain roughly the same anyways?

we adults have this thing called talking it out. don’t let them know about it.

this is incorrect. By stopping the loot to be forced on the players, all the players now have the ability to help choose where it goes. having a single loot master does not make this untrue. The group of players still have a choice.

This is false. you have failed your logic.

Glad you noticed your lack of logic.

Actually it is true and you can’t prove it to be false.

This is incorrect.

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This is true in the current system

Only the 4 players out of 20 who get the item have some agency.

Under ML, the group has complete agency over where every item goes.

This isn’t true in the current system. The limitations are based on item level as defined by Blizzard once you meet the criteria you have full player agency.

This is incorrect only the loot master has agency where the loot goes.