No masterloot please

That’s OK. People are wrong about heaps of things every day. You have plenty of company.

He may be impolite but he is right.

Exactly. How controlling of them to want to control my loot when they arnt even in the raid with me.


See cherry picking. Just avoiding what I said.

Let me know when you got something to not avoid.

I stopped trying to use logic with Bloody weeks ago. Its just funny watching him get mad and show how out of touch he is.

Too bad you don’t have any to use. Anyway, Bloodypaws is not my alt, but you lack the ability to determine that.

Then don’t run with a guild that uses it. Problem solved.

No it won’t. Make a choice. Use it or don’t. No one is forcing anyone.

Wrong, because Legion didn’t let pug groups use ML, unless it was 80% the same guild. Make it 100% guild or no ML. Done.

Again: if it’s not 100% guild group, no ML.


You’re the only one whining.



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Snozh isn’t interested in having a discussion.

Just wants to shutdown conversation with “facts” and likes to constantly throw experience around as an excuse to invalidate peoples opinions.

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master loot needs to be a thing. stop crying about it. you probably don’t even raid heroic!!!

ML isn’t an open and shut case.

If it was it would’ve been more heavily explored as an option returning for DF rather than pure speculation on Ions part.

They never said it was alt.

You’re doing the same thing from the other side.

Or dev time is an issue.

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No reason to lump us together than.

2 simple solutions to your issues…Start your own guild. Create your own pug runs…problem solved…

you two doing the same thing is a reason to group in this context.

I haven’t done anything but expose the flaws in others logic or absence of logic. You know like your own.

Right…because there are so many guilds now. I mean we have what 10 million active subscribers. Getting members is SUPER easy these days. Thanks for point out how simple it is. pfff

I cant accurately represent how people got burned by ML and corrupt loot councils would feel but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen or wouldn’t happen again if Blizz just forked ML over as it was originally designed.

Why would anyone assume it would be as it was originally designed rather than how it was the last time we had it? Seems like that would be the logical way to impalement it.

Kind of rich coming from you. I haven’t seen any evidence from you in support of your claims that isn’t a rephrasing of “trust me bro” or “because I said so”

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I can’t help it you can’t read.