No masterloot please

Then you clearly don’t raid at a level that it would matter.

Selfish selfish

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I dunno.

Skimming over the comments seems to indicate that you are.

It clearly doesn’t matter at any level since the Mythic raid was completely cleared with PL.

I’d call it fairness.

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We have already established you don’t know anything.

Considering you don’t raid or have any experience that matters your opinion is invalid.

That’s because you’re clueless and don’t raid :+1:

Doesn’t matter.

People disagree with you and that’s all that matters.

The people that disagree with me tend to have the same raid experience you do which is zero.

Which means their opinions also don’t really have any merit.

You’re siding with the people that swear 2+2=5 and think you’re a genius.

Whatever you have to tell yourself to maintain that superiority complex.

I don’t have to tell myself anything because what I said is true.

So you say pro ML people are ignoring the plight of trials or something, but you can so easily disregard a point made by another? Why does this point brought up not matter. Why do you think its okay to just hand wave away things as irrelevant but then tell others they shouldn’t do that very thing?

You two can’t use logic in a bloodypaws/orctang fight. When someone is that invested in both “ignore all the evidence that doesn’t support your desired conclusion”, and “my opinion is fact”, you can’t actually change anything.

At least with bloody it feels like an interaction. Orctang just cherrypicks comments to say random nothings about.

I do. Hope it never comes back.

You do cherry pick. I only need to point all out the flaws quickly.

I’m not sure what you think ive cherry picked.

You hardly point out flaws.

I point out their flaws every time. The fact that they want ML back even shows they don’t understand the real problem.

Or it shows that you don’t understand the problem.

Try representing a pro ML stance and see if you can accurately describe their points.

No, they even brought up the real problem in their arguments. You probably don’t understand the real problem either.

You are going to have to try harder!

How to sound incredibly entitled - demanding that other players who do not play with you be forced to use subpar systems for their own guild because you don’t like it.

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