No masterloot please

You spelled “people” wrong.

Rubbish. You’re essentially ignoring the fact that some of them are taken advantage of for their participation, be it direct or indirect.

If you’re going to try creating separation and reducing this to a player interaction issue, then guess what there are going to be plenty of players who abuse the ML system and they’re not going to suddenly stop doing what they do or disappear just because you got your ML back.

Harmony is exclusive to an enviroment that not everyone has access to, what you and Snozh argue is that this harmonious agreement is universal, until I come and tell you that it’s not. Snozh will fight me on this until the end of days because he can’t fathom being proven wrong by someone who doesn’t raid according to him.

I could argue the same is for players having access to ML.

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It is. You’re just so out of touch you wouldn’t know it.

Yeah I hate you too Snozh.

Have a good day.

I don’t hate you. I just know you’re clueless.

Yep. Sure you do.

There have been multiple people that have stated that they were in PL loot guilds in Legion. I was one of them as I was super casual back then.

You can’t have it both ways. Either master looter is good for the community because the majority want it or the majority don’t want it and there will be plenty of PL loot guilds.

Because of small brained individuals getting mad because they joined a pug with ML and something got ninjaed or they didn’t meet xyz criteria.

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Oof. Don’t give this guy ML.

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A few voices on the forum, aren’t the majority dude…

I’m not ignoring anything. I stated that they are a part of the raiding community. You said people outside the raiding community are effected.

Calling non fraud things fraud doesn’t make your case sound better.
And it is a player interaction thing. Trials agree to the rules. If they dont agree they should just look for a group that shares their values. And to claim none exist is the same point you made in reverse. They exist.

Me and Snozh dont really agree on much. And we dont claim its universal. I domt think anyone has claimed ML is some magical world where everyone is happy. Just that the good outweighs the bad. Horror stories are a small minority and honestly easily avoidable.

Not raiding but trying to mandate how raiders play is rather controlling behaviour.

Only by misrepresenting other people and acting like they all have ulterior motives. The primary defense you seem to have is “someone somewhere is bad therefore prevent all people” give me a % and then tell me that that percent should dictate the whole.

This argument for defending trials is very weak because it keeps hiding behind a “fraud” when its a willful decision.

You don’t have to worry because you don’t raid.

Even then I have been an officer with ML and was very fair with loot distribution.

Never said it was.

However you clearly missed the point. Which is it?

Master looter is so good everyone will use it


No one wants it so finding a PL guild will be easy.

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Lol, tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself dude… at the end of the day, you’ve yet to provide one positive reason for ML coming back.


I have given you three actually. You have yet to list one reason why not.

I’m honestly at the point now I want them to bring master loot back just for the sheer rage and salt it will bring.

I’m fine with Master Loot in an organized guild group and personal loot in any kind of pug. I don’t see why guilds shouldn’t be allowed to determine how they handle things.


They never bring facts to the table.


No one has provided a valid reason to bring it back. Even several have admitted the real problem is RNG so they are trying to get a band aid instead of fixing the real problem.


Sure we can.

You can be wrong sometimes Snozh.

Idc. No one is going to dictate what type of loot I get.

I’ll take the current system all day over giving someone that power.


No you can’t. You can’t say

“If master looter comes back there won’t be any personal loot guilds”

And then also say

“Master looter is a terrible system”

If it’s a terrible system then not everyone will be using it. It’s either or. Not both.

Sure, I’m just not wrong on this.

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