No masterloot please

You seem to fundamentally not understand how gearing works in an organized guild.

If you are in a good guild, it’s less about who gets what, and more about what order you get it in. At the end of the day everyone gets all the gear. This is not pug life where each week you are playing with new people.

So…typically guilds trial people after the tier is over and you need to replenish the ranks. These trials come in and mix with main raiders that generally don’t need any gear. Any drop that a trial needs is usually theirs, as main raiders will only need very specific items from later bosses they haven’t already killed 20 times.

So, yes when a trial joins they are in the back of the line for loot priority, but they are doing so at a time when there is no line at all for 90% of the drops in the raid.


Yea I just can’t find myself agreeing with that, too much affecting the whole of raiders. I rather see no ML and everyone have a fair shot at gear, instead of this non-sense where you essentially have a gear schedule for item drops (if they drop), abuse of new guildies (trials) and item locking when pugs are in the group. It’s not just about my drops, its about what is the closest thing to FAIR and honestly is 100% fair, I’ve also yet to see a point that goes against PL being the most fair… if they remove the ilvl restriction then there is literally ZERO reason, no good argument to have ML back.


Masterloot will always be superior to personal loot imo. In this day and age with M+ this argument is null and void, majority of the time you will get better gear and higher ilvl then most people are capable of in a raid environment

I did my first raid with a guild and was showered with so much loot tgatvibstsrtrd feeling guilty that I was under performing so much and getting all the gear that I started lying saying I didn’t need it. The inspected me and gave it to me anyway. Lol

I would be fine with that although I would like to see the drip change on certain things tweaked in that case so there arnt just 4 rings droppi g all the time.

It will still create artificial scarcity for weapons and some trinkets.

You don’t have to agree to it but it’s 100% true.

Have you ever raider in a master loot guild? It is fair as my guild gives it to the person with the biggest gain from the piece.

Trials don’t get abused. This is the biggest lie that people against masterlooter say because even without master looter this would happen anyways with rc loot council.

Why are you trying to restrict how I play? My guild preferring master looter doesn’t affect you at all.

PLNR or master looter would be the same thing. The only difference is PLNR would require everyone in the raid to have an addon where ML wouldn’t.

That’s what no one seems to address. Any guild worth joining used 50% ml anyway in the form of rc loot counsel without drama. I swapped guilds at the beginning of this patch and when talking to the GM before joining I asked about how loot is done and if they just did personal loot I likely wouldn’t have joined lol.

In my guild everyone runs droptomizer and gear goes to the person that the sims say will get the biggest increase.

Its just maths. 125>17= give it to the person for whom it is a bigger upgrade

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Legit what my guild does too. We had the Rygelon dagger drop and there was an officer and and a regular prog raider both wanting the piece.

We use a three officer council for loot.

The prog raider was a 500 some dps increase and the officer was a 150 ish. The officer also recused himself from voting due to bias and the dagger went to the prog raider.

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So, basically, you guys are asking for a bandaid for the real problem. Sad.

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“Omg the officers just steal my loot for no reason and I never get anything. This game and raiding is toxic. Officers stole my dagger in raid tonight!”

New thread coming to a forum near you. Lol

Edit. Sorry just reread I thought the officers was 500 dps increase and raider was 150 meaning it should have gone to the officer.

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I did say almost. And I’m personally fine with that. The prime issue I have and what seems others have is just the inability to move loot as wanted.

Blizz likes loot scarcity.

Oh very well.

This isn’t factual.

What other community does raid loot distribution effect?

Everyone who isn’t part of the raiding community.

If you’re not participating in raids, how are you affected by loot distribution?

You’re fleeced in PuGs or screwed over in trails.

Or just fleeced in raids since players hating on each other is a reality that exists.

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Do you have proof? If not, you can claim it’s true all you want… but without proof, no it’s opinion.

Restrict the few for the majority getting a fair shake… just because some want something back doesn’t mean it’s good for the whole.

Really? So with all this non-abuse that comes from master looter… why was it removed?


Pugs and trials are not outside of the raiding community. They still participate in raiding.

Fleeced as in fraud? Why are people so obsessed with acting like this is a 100% or even majority event. Please tell me what kind of fraud happens? And no trials not getting loot isnt fraud. They agree to the guild rules. If you want to argue that is wrong, its a different topic. But dont lump it into fraud.

Are you planning to change every system on the possibility that someone could abuse it? Seems kind of controlling.

“I have an opinion and anyone who disagrees with me is not welcome to share.”

Despite this is where every thread eventually leads, I wanted to share a funny but irritating experience from Vanilla.

It was ZG, and the guild dedicated weeks for the trinket to different roles to try and get a good distribution based on role. It was a nice system overall.

I had been healing on my Druid for the raid since we started, though I was Balance spec with an emphasis on mana. I loved being a damage caster in battlegrounds and world content though, and always told my guild that I wanted to be a DPS caster moreso than a healer but was happy to do what we needed. This week happened to be DPS week for the trinket.

In the same raid, I had my “alt” Mage from another account, who was played by a friend and doing dedicated damage. Needless to say, I was told that I healed so I was not eligible to roll for the trinket (which I did anyways). I rolled the highest on my Druid but my Mage was the second highest. Instead of the guild giving my Druid the trinket (the quest item), they gave it to my Mage. They ignored that it was the same account holder and did whatever they wanted with the loot. It was pretty ridiculous overall, and I still find it to be a good example of how ML can miss the big picture.

That said, personal loot is no better because of the ilvl rules. Further, I got very geared very quickly by being one of the most active raiders on a class with low representation – master looter plus DKP with integrity caused my Druid to be one the most geared raiders in guild. So I still think ML is better overall because of the positives, though it’s worth looking at it from the other side too.