No masterloot please

You’re lying.

Please explain how a loot system for raiding only affects anyone outside the raiding community

Because if effects the nature of groups for players coming into raiding.

You’re creating a far more inhospitable environment by gating loot behind every coordinated group.


No it doesnt.

Every one not in a coordinated group is already behind a coordinated group. Thats the point of coordination.

Anyways I am out. Work in the AM. Hope yall both enjoy being mad about the facts together!

You can’t define player experience.

More then a few players on here have their fair share of horror stories concerning loot.


Gotta disagree on this one, trials are usually in play for any serious guild and just because it would be more popular doesn’t mean its the better or more fair system.

you are a complete loser lol i said you ce pretender as in you talk like one but arnt one. and yea if you talk about parses and its someone like you its a joke. you are like the rest of us average. and you still lied about the mt tower stuff. and you played a female blood elf rogue. you race change it cuz people saw you as a girl.

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still typing btw


We can agree to disagree. :slight_smile:

Trials usually get geared faster because they get taken to farmed bosses that people already have.

If people dont want to raid with masterlooter then there are plenty of guilds that will run with PL.

PL and ML can both be viable. its not a one or the other.

You are still mad huh? Have a good night.

You’re an exception it seems.

thats your punchline you “still mad huh”? you still a pretender huuh? der me SNOOOZ

Sadly those will more than likely be casual guilds… I’d like to get back to raiding heroics, haven’t raided due to my friends mostly quitting, with only like 3-4 of us left to play so we can just group and raid. So I either have to get really lucky and find a serious PL guild or pug progression.

But you can’t expect people to help you raid while receiving nothing and the logic of them gearing faster doesn’t make much sense imho.

I think you’ll find that your “facts” are wrong in this case.

Particularly now that I’ve exposed your biased opinion.


im doing this on purpose cuz this person right here happens to like Snoz the most

I dont see how master loot is a positive thing at all either. I havent raid since legion but i do remeber the drama ML generated throughout the years, being a trial basically meant “you have the privelege to be here with US” which to be fair the gorup choosing you do have a point, thing is if abuses can happen they do happen and i am sure most people know about it lol

Thats pretty much all of what pro-ML people will ignore.

They will also ignore that people whom create a guild will want all the rewards and power they can get from owning a guild for them and their network(friends, family etc) so having No- semi hardcore ML guilds will most likely be rare but they will exist.

The rest is people saying how great their leader was and the other saying how bad their leader was, everyone gonna claim their bubble is the world…
Thing is having your game-time shceduled and the rewards redistributed as the wishes of a random stranger isn’t a very good system lol, still i think they should just make the loot tradeable as the owner of the loot wishes, would prolly be better at the end of the day.

Anyway as long as it applies only to guild members i think the system would be fine even though its glaring obvious game masters would be having more work due social attritions.



It’s not that we ignore the notion that another player determines a part of the reward for killing a boss, it’s that we think that’s the point. You can talk to another player or set of players. They can explain who got the item and why. You can’t have a conversation with RNG about why it gave the item to someone else.

It’s not ignored. its wanted.
People who want ML want the ability to control where the loot goes, rather than just hope RNG gets it into the best hands.

people who want ML don’t claim their bubble is the world, they simple already trust the people they play with, and are not afraid of trusting people in the future if they have to change groups.

People who have had loot taken or even worse, heard stories, actually are claiming a bubble to be the world, and mostly ignoring that loot drama situations were a small percentage… when you compare it with everyone else.

what random stranger? your raid leader? people generally know the people they raid with. And if you aren’t in a guild you search for one that has raid times that line up with your own.

its honestly almost exactly the same things as ML so yeah.

There really needs to be some acceptance of personal responsibility for staying in bad situations. if somethings not run correctly. leave.

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There were plenty of heroic and mythic guilds in legion that used PL. it might be harder to find a mythic guild with your schedule and such. However most mythic guilds already run rc loot council anyways so that is kinda moot.

So here’s an example. My guild is 4/11 mythic. The mail shoulders that drop off of Skolex all the mail users on the team already have those shoulders. So if a mail user is trialing with us and the shoulders drop they would automatically get the shoulders because no one else needs them. What took us a couple weeks to get they changed get in one night.

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Fact one: you don’t raid
Fact two: your opinion means zero on raiding discussions as you don’t raid.

Nope my facts are pretty accurate.