No maintenance today? - Nvm it's back

2 hours 7 to 9 PST

9 minutes, so 10 server time, then til 12

I get that with the expansion release they have to do adjustments, but 2 hour maintenance every day is gonna get old, and to not even have it on the launcher until we get the 15 min warning in gameā€¦

Rude Blizz, just rude

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It makes sense that they didnā€™t want to turn EA into pay to win. Hopefully the maintenance never comes.

There is maintenance, the countdown is on my screen

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yeah I was wondering about that too - I figured I had till 9 to work on my lowbies but then that notice disappeared.

They really need to get themselves out of bed and do this at 3 am their time. Let it affect them and earn their pay opposed to those who actually pay to not be playing.

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Server go poof. And of course it was just when I had set aside time to get my bee mount.

Back in the day they used to do it in the middle of the night. really it should go back to that. why wouldnā€™t you want your downtime to be when most people are sleeping?

server just went down

Iā€™m going to cry.

Blizzards trolling us bro

because that would have a negative impact on their chinese overlords.

I consider it ignorant to ignore my point, which is that I donā€™t think itā€™s going to be that big of a deal to get so worked up over.

Thatā€™s your opinion, not a point lmfao.

Well good thing had plans today to join housemates watching the new content preview from Planet Coaster 2 anyway.

Thatā€™s it, Iā€™m boycotting Chinese food now, thatā€™ll show themā€¦ right?

how I check server maintenance times in the launcher?

Every time I try to play lately there is maintenance. :weary:

Because the game is global and midnight for someone is the middle of the day for someone else.

Because getting devs to work in the middle of the night with the rest of the office closed and asleep is an incredibly bad idea, especially for something that isnā€™t a part of the medical or financial industry.