No maintenance today? - Nvm it's back

Either my launcher is bugged or there is no more scheduled maintenance today. Not even seeing any scheduled maintenance on the Blizzard CS site.

EDIT: The maintenance has thus returnethed.


It’s Wednesday wasn’t maint yesterday?


Was showing there was maintenance for today on my launcher yesterday I could swear. Or maybe it just stuck around from the 27th idk.

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They might have initially planned it because of server issues but decided not to if the servers smoothed out.

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Wonder if they’re reassessing the planned adjustment to levelling?

No, it clearly said Wednesday.


Well then perhaps they did rethonk it and maybe they’re giving people more time to level with current scaling? Or not, I guess we’ll see later on.

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I saw it too for Wednesday. Gone now tho. Guess they scrapped or delayed whatever it was for.


Yep I was surely seeing 10 am to noon my time today. If it’s not there and they’ve taken the feedback about leveling good for them, that’s a W


That’s what I was wondering. I saw the announcement too, and it disappeared sometime in the last hour. Maybe because of the massive backlash after they said they would make leveling more boring and frustrating… umm… I meant “more challenging” :roll_eyes:.


I was wondering this same thing. I went to check the time and couldn’t find it. Just in case it is still going to happen and there’s just no more message for some reason, what time zone are you? So I know what time it might be for me.

I doubt it, unless a suit got spooked.
It’s pretty obvious from the game design perspective that it needs addressing.

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Yeah I definitely remember seeing a maintenance notification on the launcher. Guess it’s not happening anymore. No complaints here.

Problem is they waited too long, it looks bad on them to do it right after ea got free reign

Like it’s not a problem if them doing it, it’s the timing


People who were salty about ea from the beginning were always going to react this way to post launch adjustments.

It doesn’t change the fact that post launch adjustments need to be made.

Can’t neglect the game just because the player base are a bunch of man-children. There’s always been post launch adjustments.


I mean, I had ea and I think it’s a bad idea, my wife too, wait a week or two then do it

either they don’t fix things soon enough or they wait to long to fix things or they don’t do this thing right or they don’t do that thing right.

Nothing is ever right because there’s always some slice of the community that thinks they should have done this aspect of this thing in this way.

Well, this time they didn’t do it the way that you think they should have and next time maybe they will and it’ll be some other slice of the player bases turn to think they did something the wrong way.

At the end of the day, things still need to be fixed and they will still be blamed for doing it wrong, send it


They may delay it to Tuesday. The timing was really bad, giving all the EA players a notable advantage.


it was yesterday 9-12 pm

More of a perceived advantage tbh, but I get your point.

Having an advantage presumes there’s a direct competition happening between players with which to have an advantage over another.

I also imagine they would have announced it by now if they had decided to delay it.

I think it’s because they figured there’s so much to complain about, why do maintenance