No maintenance today? - Nvm it's back

Honestly, while it’s objectively a nerf to leveling speed, I don’t think it’s going to be as big a deal as it’s being made out to be. The forums tend to take just about every nerf the exact same way, and that’s an overreaction in a lot of cases lol

TBF CM’s aren’t on the clock to talk to us atm, it’s still 6 am over there

There was once up including announce that they are nerfing leveling

It’s not just the forums that have a problem with this. Saying so is mightily ignorant.

I agree. Feels like the majority of their user-base, lol.

YouTubers and other content creators have been farming views from triggering their viewers on a lot of the announced adjustments by blowing them out of proportion.

Then a lot of them come here and get others worked up about it.

Making people upset is just too profitable.


I figure we’ll know whether or not it was cancelled in about 23 minutes. Until then, who knows.

technically like 13, there’s a 15 min announcement

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Oh yeah, forgot about the in-game announcement with the timer.

Slipped my mind since I wont be on.

They had it up on the launcher until at least 11pm est last night that it was going down for 1 hour today around 10am est but as the op has said, it’s now gone.

And now it’s back on the launcher

Are you serious!?!?

edit: wowwww

blizz you sure piss me off today. for real.

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There it is, 15 min warning in game.

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I still don’t see it on launcher but the game did give the 15 minute warning

yep server shutdown in 14 mins. patch is happening. thank god

They’ve been screwing up the maintenance notifications royally for the past month at least.

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Lol, they are so bad.

Yep, server maintenance message back up! HAHA. Blizz can’t get their crap together.

Guess again. They may have taken down the notice but the server shut down counter just started in game. Where’s my tinfoil hat?

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How long? I cant see any message