No maintenance today? - Nvm it's back

There must always be…(loud crack of thunder), scheduled maintenance.

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So now they call unexpected downtime “scheduled”. Scheduled to increase difficulty leveling for those of us who did not pay their extra $40 for early access. They flew to 80

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I guess now we’re about to see just how hard The War really is.

badum tssssh

sorry terrible joke, OH I MEAN MEME, please don’t hurt me. Was that a tasty bit? Or whatever you kids say… I can’t keep up man.

Agreed, I understand maintenance but like you said 2 hours (and for some people that is their gametime I am lucky that is not me) definitely adds up and gets annoying.

On the other hand if they’re keeping it running smooth it’s worth it.

Now when they do constant maintenance AND things like the warbank break that’s a big double loss

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