No maintenance today? - Nvm it's back

Hopefully they changed their minds of that silly leveling change they were going to implement.

There was another one scheduled for today that was on the launcher.

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Love the irony here, lol.


Completely agree. I started leveling my ret last night and was doing 3 million dps in normal dungeons at level 70.

It was absolutely absurd.

Yep there was another 2-hour maintenance plannedā€¦ looks like itā€™s gone :smiley:

Seemed like a fitting way to describe the dramatic wailing on the forums lately.


Nothing on the schedule and blizzardcs has no X post for it so Iā€™m thinking they canceled it

Itā€™s weird they would cancel without announcing.

Even if they canceled the leveling change, weird they would cancel maintenance as it is also to restore missing prepatch items

Did they actually say there would be downtime?

In the blue post regarding the leveling adjustments it says hotfix.

I hope so - I think that if they delayed it until next Tuesday, people would be less irritated. As trivial as the change is in the long run, it is still a slap in the face to those people who didnā€™t fork out for EA.

/shrug, only thing i know 100% is they said they would be returning our missing items with maitenance

Maybe that bit is next Tuesday, idk

I donā€™t think they are delaying the leveling adjustments though I think this thread is just priming people who donā€™t want the adjustments for further disappointment and anger.

I only saw the in game announcement on the left side of the login that said Wednesday maintenance

Hmm, weird :dracthyr_shrug:

Nice, two more hours to play that I thought I wasnā€™t gonna get! Thanks Blizz!

I always love seeing the attitude of people that tell others to just deal with it after some people have received the advantages and they pull up the rope ladder behind them.

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Yea, I saw that last night too, and this happened last week as well. When they had the message but didnā€™t have maintenance.

Yesterday, it clearly said it would be down for 2 hours today, 7-9am. That is when they were going to apply the leveling nerf they let out a long post on just yesterday. Now the notice is gone without a word. DO you think that Blizzard caved to all the negative feedback? Did they cancel the leveling change? We donā€™t know because they arenā€™t speaking to us.

They were going to nerf leveling today but got a lot of pushback. Maybe theyā€™re rethinking it.