No M+ timer till 16

you really just have to push to get +15’s if you care about the ksm achievement…the portals are totally optional imo. other than that, you can be a completely decked out player without having to step foot into a mythic raid. you don’t even have to look at a timer, and you’ll still get valor/a piece of loot…raiders can’t fail their content or they go home empty handed.

why are casual people hating on m+ again? :frowning:

You can you be a Keystone MASTER of you are not really a master?



better yet take the mythic stuff out of this game altogether and make its own game all by itself!!!

I like to Tank, have for years. I dislike running M+ as a tank. Then I see 300 DPS all saying I like M+, and 100 healers. Then like 3 tanks. I think M+ suck major big time as a tank. It’s kinda fun and easy as a DPS, not so as a tank. No Timers makes life easier as a Tank. I can pull slower and DPS can pew pew to their hearts content.

Last season it was harder for tanks, I will admit. This season though? Nope.


Says the healer.

Who heals tanks and have seen everyone of them say how easy this season is because you don’t have to account for prideful. That was the only difficult part. If you have having difficulty pulling/holding threat, that is a you thing, not a tank thing.


I can hold threat fine, I can even run the dungeons. That does not mean it’s fun. If I run with a group of guildies who know them, and we try, we will win. It’s if I go with people who are new to the game or returning, and need the gear, we will not time it. It’s not fun. I like old wrath pulls, the lots of mobs huge AOE Clearing and killing everything getting some valor at the end and upgrading my gear every week or two. That was fun. This is not.

Timed m+ should just be its own mode for cosmetic rewards.

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It makes sense to remove the timer until higher key lvls so new players can learn how to play Mythic+ in a less toxic environment while getting geared for higher keys.

i personally think the toxic environment is attributed to other aspects, not the timer itself. speedrunning should just be a fun activity. leaderboards/ladders are why you get a culture of toxicity & pressure though.

a star-rating system/medals like we saw in challenge modes/torghast now is much more friendly to the majority (in my opinion)

The go go mentality is a huge component to the toxicity of Mythic+. If someone makes a mistake and the group dies, that could mean the end of the dungeon.

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i mean failing sucks, but i don’t think it should feel “toxic”. we all make mistakes and fail sometimes. maybe you’re playing with the wrong people? usually when my teams fall apart, we ask if we are going to call it or complete, then move on from there…

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Here’s a tank saying it. All of m+ through max rewards level can be pulled 1 pack at a time.


I am referring to playing public Mythic+ groups with random people like the majority of players do.

There’s reason it’s intended for organized groups.

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yeah i know…i’m a group finder player…

i’m guessing you play at lower levels? (not insulting you, but i think that’s just part of that ksm rating culture 2kish and below?)

it’s really not like that at higher levels (generally). it’s my evidence that a good attitude will push you to higher levels, where the edgy toxics get hardstuck

Intended for doesn’t mean restricted to.


i disagree completely, but i can see you don’t want my advice lol, good luck this season friend :revolving_hearts:

Yeah, if you base your opinion on doing something the hard way, you’ll probably not be a huge fan. Would anyone give driving nails with a chunk of wood as good a review as doing the same using a hammer?