No M+ timer till 16

I am a healer too! :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone I know is a healerā€¦ or a tank. I never meet any DPS.


Thanks! :slight_smile:

Sadly, theyā€™re the ones responsible for timing the dungeonā€¦

Tanks and Healers are the, ā€œYou must be this tall to get on the ride.ā€ If they suck then you canā€™t get anywhere no matter what. But, no matter how amazing they are, fights have to end, things have to be interrupted more often than the tank can interrupt.

Yep. It drives me nuts when one of my dps has to miss. We had one out this week as a matterr of fact. I mean I have had some good luck pugging, but I have also had some reeally bad luck. When I am missing one I just have to decide in my head itā€™s gonna be a ā€œplay for the vault weekā€.

Shouldnā€™t be too hard to find good DPS on Horde sideā€¦ I stopped playing Horde side when I started school a long time ago. There are just a lot more toxic people who have no idea what theyā€™re doing. But at the same time, just shop on for somone going for the weekly chest. Bring in KSMā€™s.

ā€œRemove the timer from the time trial so I can get the easiest ksm ever without any workā€.

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i can dps on this character as well, Iā€™m just not as confident at the 15ish level. (this is my ā€œmainā€ for raids but i do essentially all my keys on my shaman). lmk!

I just get unlucky sometimes. Mostly my own fault for not digging deeply enough into peopleā€™s IO history. We did reasonably well Thursday with pugs, Friday was okish though we brought along someone from my friendā€™s guild and he kinda makes me wanna punch kittens because he stands in all the things.

Ah well, next week will be here soon enough. :slight_smile:

I will next time we are down a dps. :slight_smile:

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I run with a tank. We PUG all dps. Just be patient and be picky when choosing. The way you can blow it as a tank/healer is by bringing the wrong dps sometimes though. Likeā€¦ take a rogue with you to Theater of Pain. itā€™ll help a lot. :rofl:

Nice. :slight_smile: I just get careless sometimes picking because we do keys pretty late (for me) rip me being east coast and in an M+ group with PST players. :stuck_out_tongue:

Uhhh what?

Vesper totem with the legendary is ridiculous damage but thereā€™s barely anybody playing it because itā€™s awful for all 3 specs outside of Resto M+.

well to be fair, there are certain fights where a dk tank should be outhealing the healer lol, so donā€™t always assume heal charts tell any sort of story in M+ or PvP (pretty much all the boss fights minus Echleon in HoA are a good example)

I donā€™t even remember the last time i tracked my healing done in a m+ dungeon

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Yeah. Bear tanks and Death Knight tanks would out heal me all the time in BFA season four. Thatā€™s just how their classes are designed. Thatā€™s how they mitigate damageā€¦ and if theyā€™re healing themselves I donā€™t have to do it.

I remember I was helping this friend level an alt once and this Protection Paladin that had never timed a 10 ever was like, ā€œWe donā€™t have enough healing. Iā€™m healing more than the healer is.ā€

Iā€™d timed 17ā€™s on that same character. This person couldnā€™t even time a 10. :rofl:

One of the best mythic healers out there yells at his team mates if he is breaking 3k healing.

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Iā€™m so sick of this push for timed content. Canā€™t we just get some difficult content that we can enjoy at a reasonable pace?

they literally just gave us tazavesh, I see youā€™ve done it on hardmoā€¦ oh wait.


Then it ainā€™t M+. WTF? :rofl:

Running M+ can be done at a reasonable pace. If you feel rushed then your group is wasting time by dying/wiping or dps is too low. You can ignore the timer and just run M+ for completion.

As someone else said you can do other content like Taz or raid. Thereā€™s no timer in raid, maybe thatā€™s the content you should stick to.

Thatā€™s an interesting idea, donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen that one before.