No M+ timer till 16

Well good thing you got the gear for 15s than and def over gear the level keys you do so whats the issue?

Iā€™m not the only one in my groups.

I have played at higher levels, I just donā€™t like to any more. Itā€™s a lot of work, and I work a lot already.

And your point?

The timer is the whole point of keys. Or else your just doing s normal old dungeon with affixes that dont even matter cause you got all the time in the world to do no worries about dying itā€™s called get a group who can do and quit pugging. I ainā€™t in guilds most the time I do okay thru community and just bnet put some effort in. The timers fine just as many enjoy it as dont. And when I dont like something I dont do it I dont expect blizz to cater to me.

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I always had a far better time catweaving than boom affinity. Just easier to weave damage in and hard stop to get back to heals when all you need to contend with is a GCD rather than a GCD and cast times. But, I havenā€™t done much druid this expansion.


Healer dps is more who you play with than any actual bad play by the healer. I still play at the level where players stand in swirlies and cleave attacks so I dont get the luxury of just dpsing instead I have to heal avoidable damage before they take the next avoidable damage.

You can just ignore the timer. The vault is rewarding us regardless of the timer. FYI.

I will get ilevel 249 this week. And I will get ilevel 252s soon. And I dont expect to time most of them. Completion is enough.

Iā€™ve been accessing the highest ilevel from Vault since Season 1 and majority of them were not timed.

You are just coward making Timer as an excuse.

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Yeah I I am gonna try it next week, I just didnā€™t want to deal with spiteful while in melee when I was trying to learn lol.

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I have been called many things but a coward, this is the first time lol. I prefer to run the dungeons slowly, if I die I die. I realize I can just do them and not time them but in that case why have a timer? This is not some crazy hard thing that keep me from playing the game, but it is an annoyance that makes completing a dungeon feel like a loss even after you complete it. I have timed some and not timed others, but as a tank I dislike the timed aspect of M+. Itā€™s not fun to me.

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They uhā€¦ they made KSM more lenient on untimed keys. With their new default scoring system. Like this is already a thing and they just did it and itā€™s in game right now >.>

I donā€™t know why the timer is relevant for KSM, especially now. We were timing +15s when the new season started, and a lot of people were pushing 20s in the pre-season nerf window with the same gear.

Keys donā€™t feel tight or very difficult until +20s and up.

How are you a ā€œKeystone Masterā€ if you donā€™t earn it? lmao. Itā€™s easier than ever already. Itā€™s kinda pitiful that itā€™s obtainable by even the most casual already but has ā€œMasterā€ in the nameā€¦ bruh most people arenā€™t masters at keys that have it, far from it. Most arenā€™t even experts.

No it shouldnā€™t.

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I agree. 15ā€™s are really easy. Seems like 20ā€™s are the challenge this season. That being saidā€¦ 10-12 is always going to be a significant barrier for some players.

No, you need a consequence for failing a key.

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Found the guy who think heā€™s top shi

It was really just convoke. Transform into Boomkin, cast the spell to get your damage buff, hit convokeā€¦

My tank Boomboxes when we can get the window in.

It would be a little hard to think I am top shi- when I, myself, donā€™t have KSM. My opinion does not change.

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Oh well if you donā€™t participate in the content your opinion doesnā€™t matter

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I do participate in the content. I just donā€™t have KSM yet, much like the OP. Only I am not asking for it to be made easier to get solely because I donā€™t have it yet.

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