No M+ timer till 16

Oh dear, I have done it now… I just spent the last 30 mins or so reading a guide on catweaving…


Yeah. it’s a crazy build… and yeah. I feel like normally 1.5 to 2 is good… like… your team mates didn’t bother you much, good on a Druid.

Oh no! Say goodbye your kids, job, and wife. Loosen that shirt collar to make way for the neck beard and call your mom, tell her to have your room in the basement ready.


It’s the best. Been doing it since BFA. I think everybody went to boomboxing in Shadowlands but I can’t stop. It’s like drifting a car. It’s not the fastest way around a corner, but it is the coolest. :rofl:

I used to do it years and years ago when I mained a Druid, but everything I have read recently tends to recommend Moonkin Affinity. I found though and have been reading through it.

Honestly I would be happy if you could just queue for untimed 0s. That’d bring back the spirit of the old heroics and I’d never progress past trivial because I know how games make people act under stress.

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Why do you want to struggle when playing WOW. The mistakes made are from having to pull fast. If you could just cc all the time and go at your own pace then less to no mistakes. I can push hard are get further but it’s not fun. I like to log into the game and chill and build gear. I run a business and it takes most of my attention and stress, and have 0 interest in stressing over WOW. This is from a tank perspective. I enjoy M+ just fine as a DPS, as a tank it kinda sucks major nuts. I have having to memorize what packs to pull, I have having to quickly snap up some aggro, then run away till my stack fall off, I hate having to pull 3 groups because we have CDs up and can gain 2 min here. All of it is terrible. As a DPS you just pew pew and say GG when it’s all done. Three other tanks I know are all quiting because they also are burnt out and don’t enjoy M+. Maybe I’m just too old to care any more but in my humble opinion timed dungeon can die in a corner somewhere.


Then DPS?

It’s definitely more effort to tank than to DPS for M+ (whereas the reverse is true for raiding). If you don’t feel satisfied from the results after putting in the work… don’t? You really don’t need to tank. There’s a “tank shortage” but honestly the game is better off if the people who are tanking are people who actually enjoy tanking and not simply opportunists who want to skip the queue. That’s the simple truth.


You can sneeze through KSM this season lol.

Heck the timer doesn’t really matter anymore unless your overtime by an absurd amount.


I would either like to see one of two things happen with the timer.

  1. Timer added on non-affix levels, ie, +2 new affix no timer, +3 no new affix, so timer added, and continue like that.

  2. Timer doesn’t come in until after the final affix is added.

I know ilvl rewards would have to be adjusted accordingly which would be fine by me.

You don’t have to adjust gear. Once people are at gear cap they can still compete for +27 or what ever makes their day.

Ksm should really require all timed 20s. Are you really a master if everyone is?

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Heck yeah, a full set of awesome transmog and a mount at +25. Gear cap at 10.
And make life easier on tanks please.

What level keys are you tanking? On this toon you’re doing my range and you can single pull every pack and still time.

Id love the gear to cap out at +10. I hate grinding the same key over and over to target a drop. I just like to see where my key takes me.

I nova to help you drop necrotic stacks, interupt on cooldown, i can make some sick dragons breath plays and I always alter time and grab the adds on boss 3 of plaguefall :wink:

You my friend are a man among men, or woman among women. I tip my hat to you.

You know you can still get KSM without timing every M+ right?

I’m just pointing that out…

… and with this proposition: when everyone is a Keystone Master, no one is.

What’s next, you’ll ask to remove timer for Keystone Hero? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Hey what’s up man, I always see you in the DK posts. Anyway, yes. no timers. I don’t like timers. Just my opinion but I don’t like timed dungeons. I’m very super casual to the point of probably being too easy. But that’s what I like. While still getting gear. I like to build gear and carry others once I’m over geared.

You can time a +15 and under easily by pulling 1 pack at a time. There is no need to pull fast and rush.