No M+ timer till 16

i agree with OP’s request.

Hmmm. I may have to try catweaving instead of uh birdweaving on my druid.

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He was nuts, he out dpsed me on a couple of the bosses too.

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Yeah. His setup is pretty nuts. I’ll have to try it out. Thanks for pointing him out. I don’t raid so the domination sockets are frustrating. But, I work full time, commute and do part time school so I should probably be pumped to have smashed keystone Master in the first few weeks. :rofl:

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It’s called Boomboxing. :rofl:

The cool thing about catweaving is that it doesn’t eat up your mana supply. The problem with catweaving is you’re gonna run into melee in Shadowlands… oh and quaking will go off everytime you think it’s time to go weave.

Ah ok, I just switched to RDruid from DPriest this season. I am not up on the lingo yet. :wink:

I can see melee being a prob, because, well, melee. Sometimes my group already runs 2 melee so that would be bad juju. Maybe I will try it out when people feel like playing their casters.

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I just mentioned it because it’s a hilarious term. It is the actual lingo for Balance Affinity though.

You drop efflo, drop your hots, drop your dots. Run in and rake everything, Then hope you get time to build up to bite before it’s time to leave and go heal someone.

In a good Mythic + DPS group where they don’t take damage, and if they do they use abilities to fix it you can rack your dps up.

Also the speed buff is great all the time.

It’s a pretty funny name, I am gonna start using it! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I feel like you need to know more about the mobs than you can otherwise get away with if you’re cat weaving.

You sort of need to know dudes have a frontal cleave if you’re boom boxing. That stuff really matters when you’re running in catform though. ~_~

Well I am good at that already from screeching at my melee for standing in poop. :stuck_out_tongue:


heck, you can make mistakes – even lots of mistakes – and still time. i pugged an 18 HoA earlier this week and we had 21 deaths (!) and still finished with 3 minutes to spare. and that’s a dungeon where the timer is considered fairly tight.

this idea that you have to do the whole dungeon in a panicky rush with one eye on the timer and your finger hovering over the “leave group” button is nonsense.


I got news for you. You dont have to time any of the dungeons to get this season.

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Agreed. Pulling is they key (pun intended) I don’t mean pull the world… because you are going to die. But pull as much as the group can handle, and when that is near about dead, pull the next group. Do not have dead time (barring forced dead time). Always be in combat.

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lol? no? KSM is supposed to be challenging.
tho 15s arent even hard.

How?! Seriously. My other toon is a druid and I can’t imagine having enough global to to do a third of that, and I cat weave and convoke pretty well.

Edit: kept reading the thread and saw the answer. Thank you!

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You can get it without that change , just complete 15s and on easy week push a few higher and boom done easily , just took time .

15s are more like the point of refinement. Where mechanics that are supposed to one shot you start one shorting you, where your dps has start doing above grey parses, etc.

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Eh, I think the timer should be a thing after 10, when the 4th affix is added.

Before it though? No. Get rid of it. That way people with timer anxiety like me can do SOME sort of M+ pugging.

Ya know dude ya really don’t have to be some try hard to time 15s, just takes 2 things not being trash at your class and not being trash at mechs, since when does either of those things make you a try hard?

That’s actually GD’s definition of a try hard. If you don’t push your buttons randomly or ever read up on your class or mechanics outside of the game, that’s hardcore.