No M+ timer till 16

I was thrown off by the avatar, but healers are also expected to dps.

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gets popcorn ready


Not timing a 15 still gives you the max ilvl item in your weekly chest so it really doesn’t matter if you time it or not.

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You don’t need to time the 15 to get the gear.

Well we can’t all be Holy Paladins. :stuck_out_tongue:

No. You can already fail every key this season and still get KSM. It’s literally never been easier.

This isnt 9.0, Holy Paladins arnt top dps anymore. RShamans frequently do more. I also had a RDruid do 6k dps overall.

Every healer can and should easily squeeze at least ~2k dps overall.

You should still be doing dps as much as you can. Granted, that can sometimes be difficult if people stand in poop, but you said yourself “perfect runs”. So seems like if they were being good then you could have maybe tossed in some dps. I mean maybe you were, idk, just pointing out that is not an HPally thing.


I guess they can just rename it to the “Keystone Scrub - Participation Trophy” achievement :laughing:



How? :rofl: 2k’s a struggle. Got a link to this guys setup?

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It still throws me off how many people consider everything up to +15 or so “low keys”. Is that actually a large percentage of players or is it just some top end forum crowd that thinks that way? I mean, 15 is literally where the rewards stop scaling because things start getting broken and balance breaks down after that.

He was cat weaving, moonfire, sunfire, rake, lots of dot uptime.

Yeah, I still cat weave. Ever since BFA. Who is this guy? xD I do all that.

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Rewards stop at +20 with portals. Gear stops at +15. Scaling isn’t really as much of an issue this season. They did a lot of major balancing.

No. But thanks for posting.

Look at my NW run from 5 days ago, +20. I’d give you the name directly, but not allowed to do that.

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A lot of people who are that hardcore play multiple characters. So… that dude you see hitting +21’s on his warrior is probably also hitting +21’s on a death knight or something…

As a Druid Healer, doing 17’s in shadowlands season 1 there were about 7,000 Druid healers that performed better than me?

The amount of “Characters” who have timed 16’s are about 30,000.

Which is thousands of people. But… you figure WoW’s got a couple million players.

Nope. Suck it up

Thanks. My damage really depends on how much the DPS want to get smacked around, since the cat weaving stuff.

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Nope timer equals keys. It’s not forced to do if you wanna go slow go raid and get breaks everytime someone’s house catches on fire.