No M+ timer till 16

Well thats your choice either way timing 9s and tens give u plenty high enough gear to be op for 99% of the content in wow.

I’m sorry you feel keys are a timesink I wish I could understand for me it was ksm week 2 and now one key a week , I haven’t fault the urge to push so I haven’t maybe in a month I will

Also not the one you asked but chipping in.

As an average tank at best, I love it (wish I had time to actually run some these days) because there’s always a level of difficulty for me where the fun/stress ratio isn’t off the charts. If we don’t time it, who cares?

I do only do them with guild/friends, not worth the rush of running into the folks who give the pug community the reputation it has

How do you do 2k dps as a resto druid?

Feels like their dps is nonexistent.

I’ve had a resto druid do 6k in NW with only using 1 spear. Without weapons, still 5k+.


I’ve never seen anyone even do 1k as a resto druid. Even with balance affinity there’s so little they can do for damage.

catweaving or the boomyish equivalent, with a group that doesn’t take much damage and a tank with good self heals

He was catweaving. Moonfire, Sunfire, plus cat bleeds. Like Pyri said, it won’t work in groups that get hit by every avoidable mechanic.

I see, that’d explain it. Didn’t know feral affinity was that good, not seen anyone do that.

I’ve tried that, and I wish it was a guaranteed way to filter out the toxic ragers and the trolls.

Been trying to find one for a long time now.

I can’t do all of these scheduled events. When I was actively playing, I’m a raider. I raid. I’ve always been just a raider, and then the rest of the game is casual play.

I’m not also going to try to squeeze in M+ nights. There’s no way all of us are making 3 or more scheduled evenings of uninterrupted play time, not as adults. lol. And that doesn’t address the issues I have with the state of things.

I just want this game to have more valuable things to do than scheduled/organized group content. LFD/LFR was created for that. They always had something to provide me for the time, even when I was getting deep into heroic raid prog. They don’t anymore.

So all I feel like I have to do in WoW is Korthia, so all I’m doing is keeping my character close to caught up with renown in case the game ever returns value to the content I enjoyed. Then I can just LFD in my other MMO and play with the great-feeling badges systems I’ve been requesting here since they took them away. lol

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When tanking M+ I feel like the dungeon dictates what packs I pull and where I pull them and how many, instead of me. I’m on a timer, and so I have to pull at least x per second to win. Old tanking it was all on me and I liked that way better. If my group was very low DPS I’d just cc more, if they were awesome I’d pull big. I feel like M+ gives me way less choices not more.

Now given I’ll most likely just suck it up and get it done, but that doesn’t mean it’s fun.
I’ll go with some guildies, and we will clear them I’m sure. But it just doesn’t feel the same. Smaller pulls with more ways to die instead of huge pulls with huge numbers. maybe I’m just nostalgic.

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Second thread I’ve noticed you said this in as I am bopping through. Serious question, not being a jerk, but if they took the enjoyment out of the content you do, why are you still here?

I know that’s how WOD had me feeling and I bailed till 8.3 so I’m always curious why folks pay to play a game they don’t think is fun anymore.

It gives 252 in the vault, not in the dungeon. You can’t even upgrade a piece to 252 with valor, only 246, Don’t see this as an issue.

I got my 4th offhand of the same item name this week when I used a 252 staff. So what good did that 252 gear do me? Not much.

I still play occasionally, just dont log in for much. First few weeks of a patch is fun, then it’s stale.

Mostly still here for the rare times I can play with friends. But there’s nothing to do outside of those times that matters.

$15 isn’t a lot of money so I guess I get some value out of it. But I wish I had more to do that meant something and didn’t depend on other people so much and specific roles.

LFD and LFR were great because if someone dropped mid run, they’d be replaced rather quickly and it’d continue to the end. If I had to drop, I wouldn’t inconvenience other people.

Anything that matters now requires too much of a commitment. If you don’t complete M+, everyone loses. If anyone leaves or gets DCd everyone loses. I hate this.

I posted this same idea in another thread, but I’ll ask here too.

What if the timer just ran upward instead of down. So then under 20 min you get double valor plus 2 rolls (helping to farm BIS), under thirty you get double valor and one roll, under 40 you get normal valor and one roll, under 50 you get half valor and one roll, anything after that and you get 1/4 valor and one roll. Any completion upgrades key by one. Do at your own pace and go as far as you can.

I get that. But the thing is that, fundamentally, M+ isn’t supposed to be casual content. It’s supposed to be just as organized and require as much dedication as raiding, just with a much lower requirement on the number of players to wrangle.

Which is why M+ drops up to heroic raid quality gear and has the ability to eventually reward mythic quality gear through the vault.

Trying to shove M+ into a casual mode isn’t the answer for your issue. Because then Blizzard will be forced to create another mode for the people who want an organized non-casual dungeon mode. And that’ll be where the good rewards are, and everyone running your “casual M+” then will be in the same position that people who only run heroic dungeons are now.

A better solution might be to just have heroics drop something like korthia badges so people can upgrade their heroic dungeon gear to near normal raid stats. That way there is the casual, queued gear progression you are looking for.


And I completely respect this. I don’t want to feel like it’s my only option to progress my character outside of a raid environment.

TBH I’d be happy if LFD and LFR kept up with Korthia. I’d be ecstatic if Torghast provided me a challenging solo option to grow my character as well. (Soul Ash is such a boring reward and raising Legendaries doesn’t feel valuable this time around)

But nothing in the game feels worth any sort of effort right now unless I put a group together to do it. So I’m only logging in once in a while, when every expac prior I kept occupied. Especially with alts.

I think this is where a lot of these requests come from. A lot of us just want queueable content to have some sort of value for our character.

Problem is, M+ is where Blizz seems to be focusing all of their attention these days, with their MDI, great vault and such. The “casual content” is left in the dust. So if M+ is one of the only things that matter in the game anymore, you can’t blame folks for wanting to be included, even if people like me don’t really belong in M+ and would be better served by another type of content.

I wish I could totally ignore M+, because I find it extremely difficult, depressing and anxiety-inducing, but beyond that in this game currently, what is there in terms of meaningful progression content for people like me?

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First, that will end up unnecessarily inflating the key levels.

The thing about dungeons is that given infinite time, you can complete just about any dungoen. Even if you end up bringing enough cc to kill every mob on every pull one by one, you can do it. And if the key keeps upgrading, people will keep doing it until they hate themselves for spending 4 hours per key.

This is a problem not only because it makes the dungeons a horrible grind, but more importantly because it screws with gear progession. Key levels serve a purpose. They not only increase the difficulty, but they also serve as a marker of what relative gear to reward. Do a +2, you get LFR level gear. Do a +10, thats more on the normal/heroic raid end. Do the top end and you’re in heroic/Mythic raid territory. If the timer doesn’t cap things off, we’d be seeing M+ go up to 30 or 50 levels. Which means instead of splitting 3 to 4 raid tiers worth of ilvl in 15 levels, you’re splitting it in 50 levels.

Second, in M+ individual bosses don’t drop gear, which makes it hard to progress if you link “success” to completion. With the current system, you can “fail” a key and still get some gear. Which helps you improve until you eventually time. If you only got gear on completion, people would hit harsh bottlenecks where they just can’t progress at all. Raids dont have the same problem because they are structured to have easier bosses up front, so you are expected to grind the early bosses to gear up while progressing on the later bosses.

I hear you. I’m just pointing out that there are better solutions to that problem than messing with M+.

Other than the heroic badge idea, you could also ask for LFR to be included in the Great Vault.

Or for better gear from WQs and weeklies.